Saturday 13 July 2013

Lily Festival PINK Saturday Party Link 13.7.13


posting today's enJoYment of this colour ~ 
sharing the friendship and connections made over a colour !
Thanks to Bev at How Sweet the Sound
I won't be posting next week as I'll be away for the 
17th annual Canadian Prairie Party 
You can see why I'll be attending!
" of the most beautiful festivals in Manitoba…a “must attend” for everyone! Offering three days of lilies, music, food & family fun! ...packed with Lily Show
Tangled Threads Quilt Show, Fiddlers Contest, Parade, Miss Lily Queen Contest, 
Street Vendors, Bus + Horsedrawn covered wagon Tours, Auto Show & Shine, 
 Margaret Laurence Antique/& Collectible Sale [38th annual]
Family Old Tyme Dance, 5K & 10K Run and 5K Walk"

We begin at the town's Court House - centre for Festival schedule info
to view Photo gallery 

Attend with me?  ....

The Lily Show displays a variety of lilies grown by locals.
The Lily Nook a local grower, ships worldwide. 
A fave stop for those attending the weekend,
and destination of the townwide flowerbed tours.   

Lilies, bulbs, books, and themed gifts available.

Canadian author, Margaret Laurence, born and raised here in her grandfather's home .
The house is now a Provincial Heritage museum.
5 of her novels are based on this prairie town.
Her famous Stone Angel - [also now a movie], 
is based on this gravemarker 

in the local Riverside Cemetery. 

Known for its 2500+ beautifully flower covered graves, 
" It is said that there are more flower covered graves at  Riverside than in any other graveyard in North America . "
Margaret's grave is found here as well.

One of the highlights for me is the Tangled Threads Quilt Guild's Show featuring local quilters' artistry.  From fabulous queen sized beauties, mystery projects, to works in progress...
Here's one example from a recent show 
{always stunning exhibits!}
and one example from a day class with the guild -

my WIP of the Wonky TeaCup - a pattern from Australia 
A lovely Friday afternoon will be spent at the 
Viscount Cultural Centre's "English Tea Party"!
Strawberry shortcake and good selection of teas 
{and teacups! anticipated}...

Duchys Vintage Hire fb
Saturday morning will find everyone gathering streetside
for the parade, then garage sale shopping for treats =)
Are you having fun?
While shopping we'll definitely be
ooooing and ahhhhing over the century houses -
in fact, we can take the walking tour of the homes outlined in
the helpful brochure provided by the town.

Ann's b+b

both above Garden Path b+b

Thanks for spending time with me !
I love this relaxed and peaceful time each year

at Garden Path B+B

Spend more time with friends at~
How Sweet the Sound


  1. Beautiful flowers even on the graves. Your tea cups are done very nicely.

  2. Stopping by From Katherine's Blog Hop. Look at that variety of Lily's! So gorgeous. I don't know too much about them yet, but we just bought our first home and there are many lily's there. The former owners name was Lilian, so that could be why :). I will have to read up on caring for them and what the different varieties are. Some are low to the ground and in shades of pink, yellow, and orange like a tiger lily. Others are so tall that they are top heavy and droop over (white and red ones). They smell nice too! Any tips for the care of lily's are welcome :)

  3. Happy Pink Saturday! This is my first visit to your blog--and what gorgeous lilies you have posted!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh, the lilies are just stunning and the event sounds like so much fun! Have a great time! I'm impressed at how far you've exceeded your reading goal. I am very far behind on mine this year. Less time to read and the books I'm reading all seem to be over 500 pages. Well done you!

  5. Hope you have a great time. Love your lily photos.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!