Monday 12 August 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 12.8.13

Late posting for this Monday Book Party with Sheila 
at Book Journey
Super tired, so not sure if I'll remember all the books I need to post !
Have been busy reading via all the challenges and read a thons for August -
everyone seems to want to catchup before summer's on the wane...
I completed reading and reviews for 3 of my 
Jane Austen in August reads:
Pride and Prejudice audiobook narrated by Jane Lapotaire
An Assembly Such as This by Pamela Aidan
George Knightley Esquire book 1 Charity Envieth Not 
by Barbara Cornthwaite
Advanced Reading Copies of upcoming releases I read:
Letters From Ruby by Adam Thomas
Pattern for Romance Quilts of Love series book #8 
by Carla Olson Gade
Winter in Full Bloom by Anita Higman
[watch for review posting Aug 23rd for book tour this week]
Currently reading the Narnia Chronicles, along with author, Jessica Grey.
We began today with
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe CS Lewis classic
as well as another ARC that arrived in today's post:
Whispers on the Dock
Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn series
by Evangeline Kelley
Thankfully the weather is gorgeous and inviting some outdoor sun time
{always enhanced with a good book in hand}!
Hoping your reading time is a pleasure...
August reading challenge links are listed on the sidebar for convenience.
You're always welcome to join the parties...

1 comment:

Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!