Friday 9 August 2013

KEEP CALM and .... Friday 5s with REV GALS

Here's today's Rev Gals Friday Challenge from Rev Karla-

Friday Five: Keep Calm and Cowgirl Up!

...second Friday of August, and I don't know about you, but, REALLY????? 
1/3 of the way through August? 

Seriously, though, the last month has been charged with so much professionally and personally, and my mantra has been, "Keep Calm and .......",  filling in the blank many ways.  
Sometimes its "and breathe", sometimes it's "and pray",  and other times it's 
"and call your friends", which seems to be the most used one, because my friends are the souls that remind me to breathe, pray, laugh--and even sometimes, to "cowgirl up!

So, in that spirit, here is your Friday Five:

1.  First, how are you doing? What's going on with you?
Currently, concerned and reflective - on a lot of fronts...
My mom's need for daily feeding assistance and roadblocks
to achieving that.  Care home management policies that stipulate
their adjoining housing is for the care home resident's partner, and as her daughter, I'm "not her husband", thus I don't qualify. 
[That she no longer has a husband is irrelevant]
A 20 km trip, I can't be there for every meal.  
Living in a unit next door it becomes possible.
That's the major issue going on with me at the moment .
2.  Is there anything you need to 
Keep Calm and Cowgirl Up for?
Pretty much the former situation.
Cowgirl up to see it through...
Finding the right person to hear the discrepancy, its validity, wisdom to deal with this, finding strength to persevere, persist or let go. 
3.  If you were going to make a "Keep Calm and
__________" logo for a t-shirt, what would it be?


4.  What are you looking forward to in the next week or so?
Looking forward to time, whatever amount!, with son, dil and baby grandson [2 months old already?!] now that they're here visiting and introducing the wee man to family.
a brief supper visit with friends I haven't seen in over a year,
 {since their call to a Lutheran congregation}  
on their way through to their summer cottage break.
We'll be sharing a meal and a copy of the book I need for leading a new group that's to begin in a couple weeks. Looking forward to sharing, laughing, catchup, and hugs !!
Looking forward to leading, learning  
and the potential  for that group...

5.  Use the following words in a sentence:     
cape, river, dancing, paws, glory
Tossing Superwoman's cape into the river, I grabbed the pup's paws, 
dancing in the glory of the moment!


Looking forward to the weekend and wishing you all the refreshment you need!

Feel free to add your Friday 5s in comments... I always love hearing from you!
For more Friday 5s !

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Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!