Thursday 1 August 2013

RAGGED HOPE by Cynthia Ruchti : Book Tour Review

Today's Book Tour Stop for Cynthia Ruchti's 
Surviving the Fallout of Other People's Choices
Released July 1st by Abingdon Press:
“What a beautiful book !  So readable, the pages practically turned themselves.  Ragged Hope is filled with stories; written for those who are weary, worn and wounded.  It offers each of us exactly that—hope that God can do a mighty work even with those of us who carry the ugliest of scars.”
 — Debbie Macomber, #1 NYT bestselling author

In the words of author Cynthia Ruchti

Ragged Hope: Surviving the Fallout of Other People's Choices, is
 "a celebration of the resiliency of the human spirit, the courageous resolve of those determined to survive despite the fallout of other people's choices, and the exquisite redemptive power of the God who can wring beauty from ashes."
Filled with story after story of western society's realities, it would be hard not to be aware of or personally affected by situations depicted in Ragged Hope.  Job loss, lack of life insurance, HIV Aids from a loved one, pre-retirement redundancy, raising grandchildren, infidelity, post natal depression, only a shortlist.  A practical book, providing thoughtful responses the reader can employ when confronted with just such situations and those personally affronted, challenges to complacency, and scriptures to guide our responses. 

Examples cover a wide range of losses experienced by so many in the world of our day. In mentioning the few I risk missing the one that may benefit your issue or area of struggle. I was impacted throughout the book's many examples, both personally and responsively. The overarching theme that God carries all such damaged and wounded people dear and near His heart, offering the only Hope that provides strength and inspirits with anticipation. "It's an expectation based on the belief that God cares and that He can reach through the fallout to redeem, revive, refresh, restore..." rather than living stymied by recycling regrets, resentment, and retribution.

Psalm 107 is the template to which Ms Ruchti refers us.  Whatever the life distress, 
"In their trouble they cried to ADONAI, and He rescued them from their distress..." 
with the expected response being, "Let them give thanks to ADONAI for His grace, for His wonders bestowed on humanity!"  *
The conclusion?  
"Let whoever is wise observe these things and consider ADONAI's loving deeds." [CJB]
A book of Hope, courage and encouragement for the recipients of injustices 
and those who care.  
An eye opening call to compassion.  
A recommended reading resource.

Join Cynthia Ruchti for a Facebook chat on August 1 at
8:00 PM EDT.
Readers will be able to discuss the book,
answer and ask questions, 
and win prizes. 

Watch the Cynthia Ruchti Reader Page on Facebook 

for details.  

Connect with author, Cynthia Ruchti, on twitter @CynthiaRuchti
and be sure to like Cynthia's and Facebook pages

Also released In 2013, 
her novel When the Morning Glory Blooms 
(Abingdon Press Fiction)
Cynthia has a total of six books on the shelves,
with more to come 
in 2014.
Cynthia tells stories of Hope through her novels, novellas, devotions, and nonfiction, and through speaking for women’s events/retreats and writers’ conferences/workshops. She draws from 33 years of experience writing and producing the 15-minute daily radio broadcast, “The Heartbeat of the Home.” Her books have received recognition from RT Reviewers’ Choice, Retailers’ Choice, and Family Fiction Readers’ Choice as well as finalist honors in ACFW’s Carol Awards and the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, among others. She serves as Professional Relations Liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers, is a board member of the Deliver Hope ministry, and is part of the worship team at her church. She and her husband live in the heart of Wisconsin, not far from their three children and five grandchildren.
*Appreciation to Abingdon Press for an ecopy to read and review without obligation.



  1. hello
    dommage que tous ces livres
    ne soient pas traduit en Français
    tout à l'air si intéressant
    à bientôt
    edith (iris) France

  2. Bonjour!

    oui! je suis desolee !

    merci, Iris !

    semaine heureux...

  3. Wish I knew French! But I'm stopping by to say how much I appreciate this thoughtful review. It means so much to me, and I pray it will draw people to the hope that lies among the pages of this book. Thank you!

  4. You're most welcome, Cynthia!
    I appreciate your visit, hearing your response and pray so, along with you...

    [as to the French, the translate button is the perfect solution ;) ]


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!