Sunday 22 September 2013

HapPy 1st Day of Autumn! Fall into Reading Read-a-thon 22.9.13

HapPy 1st Day of Fall Everyone!!
Still very green around here, but a few yellow touches
let us know it's Autumn as do the chilly nights!
Perfect for celebrating with some reading ...

Thanks to Allison and Mallory for creating and hosting !
I have been consumed with so many new 'to do's' and xtra commitments,
reading has really become a momentary treat.
I almost hate to commit for realities soon replace my wishes!
Even if I accomplish 1 or 2 books this week I will feel victorious,
thus my participation to acknowledge the accomplishment!
My go to for easy reading refreshment?
Starting with Rosamunde Pilcher's apropos

Next?  As time and interest dictate....

Are you joining in?
Sign up at The Bibliophile Sisters to participate.
HapPy Fall !
HapPy Reading !
LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
Yes, an afternoon of Autumn sunshine relaxing with 
a book and I've knocked down 1 !
The End of Summer is DONE !
Unsure what will capture my attention next, 
Which will be book #2 ?

Thinking possibly a Hamish Macbeth?
MC Beaton's inimitable red-haired Scottish Sergeant's
humorous hijinx in the Highlands...
sounding good to me !

Yes! managed to finish this one by end of day.
Knowing tomorrow's busy schedule, that's
probably a good thing!
Let us know what's on your week's reading hitlist.

Link up with Sheila and friends
[she's away camping without internet for 5 days]
just check for her post at Book Journey


  1. Looks like you're on your way to accomplishing your goal!

  2. Thanks for the heads up about the Fall into Reading Challenge. Went over and joined.

    Mary-andering Creatively

    Mary-andering Among the Pages

  3. yay! yes it does, Laura, despite all the craziness!
    Glad to see you here =)

    AND yay for you, Mary, for joining us! glad to hear your response and looking forward to your success =)
    Thanks for letting me know!

  4. Hi, Rosamund Pilcher sounds perfect now! and I need to pull out that lovely stack of books for #ReadingScotland, now that Fall is no longer a far-off horizon! :)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!