Wednesday 17 December 2014




Remember the wonders He has done... I Chronicles 16.12

Blessed are You, our God, Creator of time and space, Who enriches our lives with holiness, commanding us to kindle the Chanukah lights.
Blessed are You, our God, Creator of time and space, Who performed miracles for our ancestors in the days of long ago and in this time.

Adonai is my light and salvation;
whom do I need to fear?
Adonai is the stronghold of my life;

of whom should I be afraid?
Psalm 27.1 Complete Jewish Bible

The people walking in darkness have seen a great Light, on those walking in the land of deep darkness a Light has dawned
Isaiah 9.2
 I have come as a light into the world, so that everyone who trusts in me might not remain in the dark.
John 12.46

Find more on the history of Chankukah

Channukiah-BLOG-4, Messianic Jews

Remembering  the Light of the world ~
The 4th Chanukah candle is lit tonight as the Servant Candle is lit first , then gives its' Light
to the other candles, in honour, from left to right.  

Third night of Chanukah where Jewish People are lighting three candles and saying the traditional blessings. Gifts will be opened, fatty foods will be eaten and perhaps a game of dreidel will be played. Messianic Jews are also celebrating this amazing miracle of one night’s oil lasting eight days from Israel’s history.

On this 2nd night of Chanukah, two candles are placed in the far right holders.
The candles are lit with the Servant Candle from left to right, honouring the newer one 
first according to Jewish custom. 

On this first night, a candle is placed in the farthest right holder and lit using the Servant candle.

He has gained renown for his wonders.
Adonai is merciful and compassionate.

Psalm 111:4

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)


Shir Soul offers Chanukah music to add to the Celebration ~ EnJoy!


Shared with -

* WW @ Create with Joy
* Little Things Thursday *
* Thought Provoking Thursday *
* Thriving Thursday *
* Faith Filled Friday *
* Friendship Friday *
* How Sweet the Sound-Pink Saturday*


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!