Thursday 1 January 2015


Such a sense of anticipation for this New Year 2015 as the hour grew closer.
A lot of people seemed more than ready for
 'out with the old - in with the new'
It's like that first blank page of a notebook.  Or a book's first page.
What will we discover...?

There are more than a few fellow readers anticipating those first book pages.
Sheila of Book Journey invited us to share a photo of ourselves
and our pick for First Book of the New Year.
If I've counted correctly, 63 of us shared! Photos Posted Here 
My choice?  Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott.
Anne takes us on a journey through her often troubled past to illuminate her devout but quirky walk of faith. In a narrative spiced with stories and scripture, with diatribes, laughter, and tears, Anne tells how, against all odds, she came to believe in God and then, even more miraculously, in herself. She shows us the myriad ways in which this sustains and guides her, shining the light of faith on the darkest part of ordinary life and exposing surprising pockets of meaning and hope. Whether writing about her family or her dreadlocks, sick children or old friends, the most religious women of her church or the men she's dated, Anne reveals the hard-won wisdom gathered along her path to connectedness and liberation.
Apropos for beginning this new year's journey?  and with great storytelliing style.

and here's me in the 1st Book reading collage
You'll probably guess what I'm up to today, right?

A LibraryThing email yesterday announced some reading groups which I checked into
with the outcome of a New Year's Readathon through to Sunday nite.  World wide readers.
 On site check in for easy recording.  Yep.  I'm in.
Plus I made a button for the 75 Books Challenge as it was the only group without one
adding some creativity to my day [which I love!],
so if you're interested in more book reading FuN, hop over and join us!

Wishing you warmth and wonder as you begin 2015
and many hours of reading joys!

Have you begun your First Book of the Year?  Care to share ...?

Thank you, Sheila, for creating and hosting the FuN !
* Happy 2015 *


Shared with ~

* Paula's No Rules Party *
* Small Victories Sunday *
* Inspire Me Monday *
* Little Things Thursday *



  1. hello
    je viens te souhaiter :

    Des sourires, pour chasser la tristesse,
    De l’audace, pour que les choses ne restent jamais en place,
    De la confiance, pour faire disparaître les doutes,
    Des gourmandises, pour croquer et déguster la vie,
    Du réconfort, pour adoucir les jours difficiles,
    De la générosité, pour se nourrir du plaisir de partager,
    Des arcs en ciel, pour colorer les idées noires,
    Du courage, pour continuer à avancer

    edith (iris) France

  2. Enjoy the book! I am about to get ready to get in my chair and start mine... I have bee reading everyone's posts this morning ;) Happy New Year!

  3. Oh I love Anne Lamott! Traveling Mercies is a great way to start off the new year! Enjoy the day! Happy new Year

  4. Wonderful thoughts and pic Sharon - love it. Hope you enjoy the book. Enjoyed 'seeing' you.

  5. Wonderful post!!

    ENJOY your first book of the year!!

    Nice New Year images too.

    Happy New Year!!
    Silver's Reviews
    My First Book Of The Year

  6. Magnificent choice for first book. I adore Anne Lamott!

    Happy New Year!

    Here's my First Book of the Year!

  7. Have fun with the journey that read will take you. And a Hau'oli Makahiki Hou to you.

  8. I read Traveling Mercies several years ago and remember liking it but honestly couldn't tell you any more about it than that :) Hope you love it!

  9. This looks like a lovely book to start the year! I am enjoying my choice too. Love your bright smiling picture.
    How creative to make the button.
    I rarely do read-a-thons but I will pop over and look.
    Happy, Healthy, Heartwarm New Year wishes to you!

  10. Love reading your thoughts and your pic ... wonderful choice to kick off 2015, hope it's a fave for the year. Happy New Year to you and yours Sharon.

  11. Anne Lamott is an author I'm really looking forward to reading. I have Bird by Bird on one of my bookcases and I'm hoping to get to it this year. Happy New Year!

  12. I hope you will enjoy your first book a great deal. Have a wonderful day and a very happy year ahead! (It kind of sounds like a birthday greeting, but it is a brand new year. :)

  13. Nice photo! Hope you enjoy the book!

  14. Sounds like a great book. I normally do not read NF, but this one sounds so uplifting, that I just may pick it up. Love the picture! Your button is cute too.

  15. Enjoy your first book of the year and all the reading challenges. And that is such a great pic of you!

  16. I am overwhelmed by the kindness of each of you in taking time to stop here today, on the 1st day of this year, leaving such sweet and inspiriting comments.
    You really are the Best!

    Thank You! I am truly Blessed <3

  17. I hope you are enjoying your book! I'm not familiar with that author, so I'll have to check her out. Happy New Year Sharon!!!

  18. My TBR list is stressing me out! I've been reading more for Homeschooling than for pleasure, but that's okay. I still haven't entered my books for last year's Goodreads challenge….

    I haven't picked a new book for the new year (yet).

    I hope you have a great year of reading!!!


  19. What a cool idea to post about the first book of the year with a picture. I read a historical western paranormal romance. LOL! Quirky and it met the goals for several challenges so I was able to write on the first page of my book journal in several columns.

    Best wishes for a Happy New Year and with your reading challenges.

  20. I hope you enjoyed your first book of 2015. Have a Happy Reading year in 2015. Thanks for your visit to my little corner of the world recently.

  21. Enjoy your first read of the year!

    My first book of the year post is here:

  22. Happy Reading, my favorite past time. Rebecca

  23. That book really challenged me when I read in 7 years ago. It's a great read!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!