Sunday 11 January 2015


Already, another Monday Reading post and definitely needed to 
wrap up my Bout of Books 12 Readathon list.
A fantastic week of reading - covered several 2015 Challenges in my selections -
and why?
Because the weather is so cold!
How cold you might be wondering...?
On Thursday, we actually were colder than Mars!
and tonight is a weather warning for an Arctic ridge bearing down on us
with -30 degree temps.  Add a windchill and, No, Not heading outdoors!
I'll be grabbing another cuppa and book!!

My Challenge Wrap up ?

I did Lots of Challenge participation - great options and visual creativeness -
I chose 2 mystery sleuths for a book Couples Challenge HERE ,
posted my Historical Fiction Recommendations HERE ,
posted a photo challenge Here that got the attention and response of the author,
Vanessa Greene, from the Uk, along with an abbreviated Synopsis of her book HERE
 and a FuN Book Quote Here

My Total?  9 Books Read:

1. A Lady Most Lovely by Jennifer Delamere
2. The Seafront Tea Rooms by Vanessa Greene
3. The Promise Keeper by Lisa Norato
4.  Manx Gold by Agatha Christie
5. While the Light Lasts by Agatha Christie

6. Somebody Like You by Beth K Vogt 

[a Publisher's Weekly 2014 Best Book]
7. The Pilgrim Spirit by Andrea Skevington
8.   Barcelona Calling by Jane Kirkpatrick
9. Be My Companion by M Jean Stairs
[no image available]
And I'm happy with that for sure.  My reading leap into the New Year.
I made some library hold requests online today.  Books I want that will specifically
coincide with challenges,
which will be great to pick up once the weather breaks a wee bit as anticipated.

Up Next ?

Thinking I'll begin a timely read from Jamie Carie
 1880s Alaska. When kind Noah Wesley saves Elizabeth's life during a violent blizzard, she won't tell him why she's chasing her dream 
through a pounding storm. 
Sound appropriate?  How is it where you are?
Hunkered under the blankets?
I know Sheila's not, but some others might be...
Hoping you have a great week of reading some favs!
Not to forget... and if you're on LibraryThing, we're making it a World Wide
 Read-a-Thing event covering the 28 hrs for around the globe reading.
Just click above to learn more and claim your reading slot...

Find more Monday blogger book posts at BOOK JOURNEY

More Reading Wrapups at BOUT OF BOOKS 12
Bout of Books

Next BoB?  May 11-17th
And Musing Mondays at Should Be Reading with MizB




  1. Oh yes, our electric blanket got a work out this weekend. Great reading.

  2. I can't even imagine temps that cold. Wowee. I just had a quick look on Goodreads at the Jane Kirkpatrick book, seems to have love or hate reviews!

  3. Wow! That's a lot of books. I thought I'd read everything by Agatha Christie but I haven't head of While the Light Lasts! Must check it out!


  4. We're cold here too, but looks like you might be getting worse than us. stay warm, and hope you have a great week.

  5. I thought it was cold here, but you have us beat. Definitely a good time to stay home and read!

    Have a great week!

  6. Oh my that is so cold!

    Keep warm,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  7. The Seafront Tea Rooms looks delightful...enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  8. Colder than Mars is definitely cold! Yikes! I hope the temp goes up for you soon!

  9. What an excellent achievement and you have two AC's that seem to have passed me by!

  10. That's what, a book a day? Impressive!

  11. I heard that too - colder than Mars. Crazy! Looks like you had a great read-a-thon. Enjoy your reading and try to stay warm! :)

  12. That's insane, I can't even imagine that cold. I'm hiding out in the aircon it's sweltering here, if I go outside I will melt haha. I think I need to read Snow Angel just to feel cooler :)
    I'm off to check out The Seafront Tea Rooms, it just looks like my kind of book. Happy reading and stay warm!

  13. I am so jealous of people who can read as quickly as you do. Since returning to work I feel like I don't read half as much as before. It looks like you've got a lot of wonderful books to keep you busy too.

    Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

  14. I love all Agatha Christie's books! I haven't read Manx Gold, though, so I think I'm gonna check it out :)

    Happy MM :)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!