Wednesday 21 January 2015



Sharing this week's reading plus my response to

[ hosted at Should Be Reading]
Share 3 tips on one of the topics below, OR 
3 tips on a different topic that you know well 
and feel others would benefit from!

Topics?:* Where to find eBooks online *• Links to your favorite blogging tools• Blogging for profit• Coming up with new content for your blog
I'm Jumping in on the first topic
Where to Find eBooks Online

*UPDATE - Feb 18 thru April 2
Pelican Book Group is offering over 300 ebooks FREE!
They've opened their catalogue to readers HERE
Don't Miss your chance to meet new authors, add ebooks to your reader and share the News!

Outside of the well known designated retail purchase sites like amazon's free kindle reads,
I find ebooks at  ChristianBook , links to inspy 'on sale' + 'Free' 
daily via subscriptions to Pelican Book Group,  Gospel eBooks, Bookbub, Kobo ebooks, 
BN, and ChaptersIndigo.
and the many FB pages that post current ebooks offered both free and sale priced.
The Vessel Project is one of those.

FHC is part of the Tyndale Rewards Points program
as found on the sidebar button .  By participating in 5 min surveys on likes and dislikes
regarding books, or helping in choosing a book cover, you gain points that quickly
add up to give you options of free books.
Here's THE LINK to check it out and begin collecting your own rewards!

One ebook source coming to mind is directly from publishers' websites
and their Facebook pages.
I've noticed many offer ebooks and  excerpts as gifts for readers to sample and hopefully 
win over new readers.  Some have Friday or weekend giveaway offers.
Monthly newsletters often include author and title giveaway promos, along with
new releases, book and bookclub intros of authors works in all genres
often including free downloads.
Here's a minute number of eg Tyndale's E-Book Extra,   Choc Lit, LoveReading,
Rosetta Books
Destiny Image Publishers, Moody Collective, Baker Publishing Group
Each of these sites add MANY ebooks to my ereader each month
Another option?  Purchase Direct from author websites.
Signing up for author email subscriptions often includes an intro to their work via the gift
of some item of their writing - eg enovella, writing tips or an ebook.
Helpful in making informed decisions whether or not this author is as promo'd 
on many publicity sites.
Authors also promo their writing on facebook and through FB ebook giveaway events .
Audio books are an entirely different book option I will include here
as access is often  included on retail book sites,
I was pleased to find Book Depository carries audiobooks -
 No delivery charge or minimum purchase required
Thanks for your orders at FHC ]
Some specific audiobook distributors in addition?
downpour, oasis audio, christianaudio [offers 1 free audiobook/month]
post hypnotic press
Free audiobooks available at ambling books, LibriVox, are 2 sources coming to mind.
Public libraries offer another Free source via Overdrive and Hoopla -
all you need is your library card!
 2 Currently FREE Audiobooks I 'read' this weekend  ~

Brilliant Book House FREE offer -
 [ til end of Valentine Weekend ]

read by Richard Armitage til Mar 9th
My response HERE

Libraries have wide selection of ebooks and audiobooks -
Overdrive and Hoopla their main providers - wherever you are, you can
check online library catalogs for titles you're interested in accessing with your library card.
If you're interested in more than just reading enjoyment,
there is the reviewing avenue for ebook access.
Many publishers make their authors' new releases or upcoming releases available
in exchange for your commitment to public reviews within a time frame,
on your blog as well as multiple retail and social media sites, creating buzz for the book/author.  
[Check FHC's sidebar for several review company opps]
One of this week's reads was just such a publisher's offer.
Fantastic 1st in a new series by seasoned historical author,
Sandra Byrd, I could not put it down.
Gothic mysterious suspense, expertly crafted
with enough clues to keep me clueless until the reveal!
One more way to find new ereads and new to you authors
that may turn into favs you'll love to discover.
LibraryThing offers a monthly list of books/ebooks, available for signing up with a request 
of books/ebooks in your interest area at Early Reviewers 
Check publisher sites for review commitments before going into overload !
Publishers also make ebooks available for publicity tours via blogs.
Note their contact details on book blogs hosting a particular title during
a designated blog tour promoting a new release and author on a week or month long 
schedule of blog appearances and offer to participate.
Giveaways are another way to find ebooks and entering the contest may add to your
collection with a WIN.  Goodreads have many book giveaways to search and several book groups
directed at book/ebook giveaways,
Some blogs have weekly draws and linkys offering the option to signup for giveaway offers
as well as adding your own.  FHC has a weekly giveaway button on the sidebar.
Plus, I have a Pinterest board designated specifically for
Book/ebook Giveaways HERE 
that includes the option to add any books you'd like to sell, swap or trade.
Just message me your email to be added to pin to the board.
In fact, my 2nd read this week was a win from the FHC pinterest board.
I loved the cover, checked out the storyline and ended with the package in the mail.
Though not an eread, as this Giveaway offered the pb for Int'l entries, I was thrilled to discover
the Book Depository package in the post so quickly after the winning email message.
Though most often the win is an ebook, so definitely worth entering when it's a book of interest!
A new to me author, Michelle Griep, whom I'm now keen to find for more of her
uniquely humorous, warmly human, suspense filled historical writings.  Whew!
Got it out.  Suffice it to say, Michelle writes a great story!
I look forward to hearing your suggestions and recommendations in comments.
There may be entirely new options we haven't yet discovered or discussed.
I'll update my info as I find more sources and as you offer links.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks to each of you for sharing your recommendations! 
I'm back to reading ebooks for a few days this week
as I wait for Library holds to arrive.
I look forward to hearing about yours...


     Several fantastic WWII novels recently released I look forward to reading.

Julie Klassen‘s newest release is on blog tour and FHC will be featuring

Shared With:
* Thursday Fav Things *
* Little Things Thursday *
* Weekend Wind Down *
* Inspire Me Monday *
* Literacy Musing Mondays *
* Book Nook *
* Book Journey *




  1. These are good tips; I have received a few free books from over the years. When I get a free book I review it at goodreads, amazon, librarything and sometimes
    I get free or cheap ebooks at (I hope that is the right name!) and also Facebook readers groups I am in alert me to free or on sale ebooks. So much to read!

  2. Here's a link I found yesterday. I saved it because there are more places on the list that you can visit in one sitting:

    33 Places to Get Free Kindle Books!

  3. Hi, this would also be a great post to linkup at Literacy Musing Mondays on my site at :

    Hope to see you there from week to week. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing all these links. I love free e-books! : )

  5. Thank you!

    Most of these are new to me.

    There are 2 more I can think of.

    (1) Inspired Reads
    All Christian books. Low-cost and Free

    Several genres. When you register select genre(s) you are interested in. I chose two that are Christian. You'll have to look through the not so long list. You'll chose a password then be guided to a choice of low-cost and free books, according to your likes. You may also look at the other genres through links on the side and may update your genres at any time.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing all of these ideas about locating ebooks!

    And I love your little rain of valentines. I feel the love!

  7. I love this post about how to find some great books. I feel as if my already large TBR pile is going to grow!

  8. My library hold all come in at the same time! I look forward to the Julie Klassen book. Have a great week.

  9. Phew what a lot of places to get ebooks. I enjoy them but like to mix them up with physical books, alternately if possible. Both books mentioned sound good, nice to have skilled authors to enjoy.

  10. I appreciate your sharing and I immediately went for the audiobooks. :-)
    Here are several places I get free kindle books:
    Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks. I subscribe to several and from Bookbub and Ereader News Today alone I usually get 40-50 new books a week. NoiseTrade is another spot to get free books and/or music.
    I like the sound of Mist of Midnight. So glad you enjoyed it.
    You've shared so many really lovely book covers. Thanks for sharing and Happy Reading!

  11. What an informative post! I have so many free Kindle and ebooks that I'm wondering when I'm going to find the time to read them all. :-) Yet I still love getting free ebooks.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!