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Tuesday 13 January 2015


Tuesday ~ Intros and Teasers
Joining Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea 

                1st Chapter  1st Paragraph -  Tuesday Intros

Share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book you're reading 
[or thinking about reading].

From Sibella Giorello's 'THE RIVERS RUN DRY'~
"Armies of cedar and fir and hemlock marched up the foothills
of the Cascade Mountains, long limbs glowing with a peculiar shade of green I'd seen only once before:  when a six-carat emerald rolled across a stainless steel examination tray in the FBI's materials analysis lab.  That gem's green facets glowed with a hue so verdant, so luscious, it whispered sibilant promises in the ears of greedy men." 


MizB 's Teaser Tuesdays

Anyone can play along! 
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
 Share two (2) “teaser” sentences -

[ don’t give too much away! You don’t want to spoil the book for others!] 
 Share the title and author, so others can add the book to theirTBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Here's Today's Teaser...


"You got the film?"
I lifted the box and we walked down the hall.
"A tall, scowling man stepped from the management offices..."You put that stuff down right now.""The warrant's signed by a federal judge," Jack said, trying to get past him. "Get out of my way." "What did you say to me?" The man stepped into Jack's path, baring his teeth.

It was one of those primal confrontations where you can hear the fuse getting lit, heading toward detonation.
I wasn't about to let Jack ruin this search."

Sibella Giorello's Raleigh Harmon series Book 2

                                                              Synopsis ~

When a routine case turns deadly, forensic geologist Raleigh Harmon finds her career on the rocks...and her life at stake. 

Special Agent Raleigh Harmon is good at her job, but not as good at bureau politics. As one of the few females on the team, she finds herself in a strange land when she's transferred from Richmond to drought-stricken Seattle. When a hiker suddenly goes missing and a ransom note arrives, Raleigh realizes there's no time for transitions. Vowing to find the missing college girl, she must rely on her forensic geology skills to uncover the truth, leaving no stone unturned. 
**Find more audios and info at Oasis Audio

 Gritty and poetic, with an evocative sense of place, a quirky cast 

of characters, a fast-twisting plot, and a compelling, complicated heroine, this superbly crafted mystery will keep you listening compulsively as hope runs short, the clock runs down, and the rivers run dry.

Sibella Giorello is author of the Raleigh Harmon series, featuring the forensic geologist who insists luck doesn't exist. 
In addition to winning the Christy Award for best first novel, Sibella's writing has garnered dozens of journalism awards, including two nominations for the Pulitzer Prize. 
A fourth-generation Alaskan, Sibella now lives in the mountains of Washington state with her husband and children.
Narrator:  Cassandra Campbell  Find more at - ©2009 Sibella Giorello; (P)2012 Oasis Audio  


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* Book Nook *


Suzie Quint said...

Drought stricken Seattle? I don't think that phrase means what the author thinks it means.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

LOL - sounds like the author doesn't know the weather pattern in Seattle. I'm curious though.

Beth F said...

Actually, the Pacific Northwest can experience droughts, although a drought there may not be quite as dry as a drought in southern California.

Good teaser.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I can't picture a "drought stricken Seattle," but otherwise, this sounds intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

Here's mine: “ALL DAY AND A NIGHT”

Catherine @ Book Club Librarian said...

The drought-stricken Seattle phrase seemed incongruent to me also. But I love the writing and would definitely continue reading this new-to-me author.

My Tuesday post:

Harvee said...

Looks like a mystery I'd enjoy!

grammajudyb said...

This one caught my attention. I would have to read the 1st one first though. I'm a bit OCD about that! Thanks for the intro. On the list it goes!

Anonymous said...

Oh the colors of spring - everything is white here now!! Thanks for stopping by mine today too!

Kim@Time2Read said...

I didn't even catch the drought in Seattle phrase! I do like the idea of geology playing a role in the investigation, though! I like the cover, too! Does this work as a stand-along?

sherry fundin said...

A drought in Seattle? Now that is funny. I love the thought of a forensic geologist. Thanks for sharing and happy reading.
sherry @ fundinmental My TT ~ Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I like the Pacific Northwest setting, even though drought in Seattle does seem unlikely. (I think drought might be too strong a term for "decrease in water suppply.") However, I like books that feature women in jobs that are traditionally held by men. Sounds like a good story.

Literary Feline said...

I really like the cover of this one. It sounds like it will be an interesting book--I'm curious enough to want to keep reading!

fredamans said...

I bet some people will try some stupid things for that emerald... sounds like a great read!

kayerj said...

That was quite the opener, I'd like to know more about that Emerald. Have a nice week. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

Unknown said...

Lovely and tantalizing opening and the teaser sounds like they are getting ready to mix it up.
I wonder how many days without rain constitutes a drought in Seattle. LOL

My TT -

Yvonne said...

Well, this has my interest!

Nise' said...

I've got to read book one! Great intro.

Alice Audrey said...

Great imagery! I gotta read this one.

Cleopatra Loves Books said...

Missing girls are always a good basis for a story - Happy reading and thanks for visiting my TT

Eustacia Tan said...

Ooooh, this sounds good! I'm on a Bones kick, so Forensic - anything makes me want to read it. And the teaser sounds like it's a high tension book. I'd better wait until after my exams to read it :p

Thanks for having dropped by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you first paragraph. I luv, luv your header.

Kym said...

Lots of suspense and tension in that teaser! Thanks for stopping by and visiting mine this week.

LA Botchar said...

oh I love the poetic and almost lyrical tone to her writing in that passage. definitely sounds like an interesting and beautiful read.

Unknown said...

This looks really good. I'm usually not a fiction reader but am trying to add more to my life. I may have to put this on my list. Thanks :)!

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