Sunday 22 February 2015


Finishing up one final book for 
It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Definitely indoor reading weather this weekend.  I made the best of -47C degrees outdoors
by wearing capris, drinking tea and enjoying bowls of  hot soup indoors.
                             This week I completed ~
Contemporary roadtrip on the E coast USA,
journalist Belinda Jones puts her travel knowledge to good use in writing the descriptive locations experienced in 
The Travelling Tea Shop.

A lot of relational issues surface as this tale unfolds.  Three female family members travelling together surprise the baking tour guide who must  rise to the occasion
or watch her efforts disintegrate the first day.  Chick lit reading with a lot of taste tempting recipes en route.

Pancake Tuesday Intro + Teaser posted HERE

 2nd completion?   Timed for Julie Klassen's Book Tour Spotlight here at FHC on Thursday February 26th
The Secret of Pembrooke Park
I love Julie's well researched historical plots and this one adds
 gothic suspense to increase reading tension.  Superb.
1,492 ratings at 4+*s
Abigail Foster fears she will end up a spinster, especially as she has little dowry to improve her charms and the one man she thought might marry her--a longtime friend--has fallen for her younger, prettier sister. 
When financial problems force her family to sell their London home, a strange solicitor arrives with an astounding offer: the use of a distant manor house abandoned for eighteen years. The Fosters journey to imposing Pembrooke Park and are startled to find it entombed as it was abruptly left: tea cups encrusted with dry tea, moth-eaten clothes in wardrobes, a doll's house left mid-play . . . 

A gruff welcome awaits them, but though this family seem to know about the manor's past, the only information they offer Abigail and her father is a warning: Beware trespassers who may be drawn by rumours that Pembrooke contains a secret room filled with treasure. . .  A
rrival of anonymous letters addressed to Abigail, with clues about the room and the past, bring discoveries even more startling. As secrets come to light, will she be the one to find the treasure or is danger one step ahead?
**Be sure to check out reviews and excerpts during the
Blog Tour this Week.

Lovely post delivery ~ Thank you to Laurel-Rain's
Blue Mondays Giveaway !  

The Violets of March -  perfectly timed Spring reading!
Currently Reading along with daily Lent video posts

"Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the "Beloved." Being the Beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence.” 

~ Henri Nouwen

The Life of the Beloved series begins HERE

Anticipated Reading ?

Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul to Rest
I've begun the above library reserve I picked up Friday while the weather was decent
  I do look forward to picking up the following new releases as soon as available!
{ plots are intriguing and fantastic cover art !}
Price of Privilege - Jessica Dotta
an amazing audio sale price HERE]
Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner [24% off]
Remember the Lilies by Liz Tolsma
A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor [at 23% off]
A Sparrow of Terezin by Kristy Cambron
[releasing April 2015 pre-order at -10%]
**[click titles for discount pricing and Free delivery no minimum!]

Find more reading recommendations at
* Book Journey * Literacy Musing Mondays * Book Nook * Musing Mondays *


  1. I've been working on "I am Abraham" by Jerome Charyn. I feel ya on the temps. Thank goodness it has warmed up enough that we don't have to take extraordinary measures to keep our pipes from freezing again.

  2. Working on pipes in such cold temps is brutal - glad it's warmed up some for you, LuAnn - stay safe! and good reading times for you this week - Have a cuppa with me ;)

  3. Nice selection of reads. Enjoy them all and have a good week.

  4. Drinking tea and hot soup sound good- I went to Teavana over the weekend and spent $70. Oops... that wasn't intended, but at least I'll have some tea. :)

  5. Thanks, Mystica - You as well !

    Oh my that sounds like a great TEA shopping blitz, Greg! I can imagine all the flavours... enJoY every cuppa!!

  6. The Travelling Teashop sounds like my kind of book. I hope you enjoy The Violets of March - I did.

  7. I am glad you are staying warm in such REALLY cold temps! Sounds like your reading has been good. Have another good week.

  8. Love that winter picture at the top, Sharon! -47C!! I'm not sure how that compares, but I know it's very cold. Our lowest temps occurred last week at 18F.

    Just finished reading the excellent Where Rivers Part by Kellie Coates Gilbert and am will soon finish The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith. Not sure what's next, but I'm usually running behind!

  9. Brrr that's chilly! The Travelling Tea Shop sounds like my type of read and the covers on the books you're waiting on are just gorgeous. I picked up the first two in the Price of Privilege series after reading a glowing review, here I think. Happy reading :)

  10. Boy, do I ever need some spiritual whitespace! I think I'll see if I can find this one. Thanks!

  11. Oh, I love snow pics cos it's summer here in Oz and where I live it doesn't snow anyway.

    We have however just had a tropical cyclone, so that kept things interesting!

    Have a good week!


  12. I've got those first two on my TBR, glad to see people are enjoying them.

  13. I love the photo in your header. Did you take it? Is it a place you know?

  14. The Travelling Tea Shop is on my TBR list, and I loved The Violets of March. It was the first Sarah Jio book I read and it made me an instant fan of the author.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  15. You read such awesome books! I passed on Klassen's latest. Just couldn't fit it in my overflowing schedule. I thought -30C here in Montreal was bad but a whopping -47 is insane! Stay warm.

  16. I hope you enjoy all of your books...and I'm glad to see The Violets of March there...reminding us of spring.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. I love the White Spaces book recommendations. I love her blog and am thinking about getting this book. The Travelling Tea Shops sounds great too. Thanks for sharing at Literacy Musing Mondays. I look forward to your posts each week. Remember you can share up to 3 per week. :)

  18. The Secret of Pembrooke Park looks good.

  19. I've heard a lot of good things about Julie Klassen. I even own a couple of her books, but I haven't had a chance to read them yet. Hopefully soon. I'm glad you enjoyed the one you read!

  20. Brr! It's 40 degrees here and I think that's freezing!

    I just started The Secret of Pembrooke Park. Enjoying it so far.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!