Sunday 1 February 2015


It's Monday!  What Are You Reading?
Having been participating in #WintersRespite Reading Challenge
I've had a good reading week and weather by this weekend to support it. 
Books read?
Extremely well written Austenesque, Stephanie Barron has a knack 
for writing dialogue and description accurate to the era.
A pleasure to be vicariously immersed in a Regency mansion
for a week long Twelve Days of Christmas party replete with food and festivities.
Mystery and method of sleuthing finds Jane's capabilities useful
despite being questioned. Family personality clashes provide
new insights to the lesser known Austens.  Recommended for JA fans.
Striking black and whites of children of Calcutta and the work of
Mother Teresa and her sisters of Charity.
Brief prayers and foundational thoughts expressed in interviews
during production of a movie on Mother Teresa's work form written content.
Overview of her birth and biographical background forms 
the intro to Words to Love By...
Short story collection, All Together Now, from a popular Australian born author,
Monica McInerney.
Great sense of humour in her writing combined with unique stories
of varied generations.
The novella, included, offered a great 'new beginning' for the protagonist
 with a surprise ending that countered any suspected predictability.
Helpful book in so many ways.  Fight Back With Joy
dealing with Margaret's breast cancer diagnosis, the medical journey, chemo, doctors, family and friend's 
support and her responses through all of it.
Great advice for what is and is not helpful from those of us in supportive
roles.  Creativity in dealing with the incredible life changes for those
experiencing first hand battles.
Recommended reading even for Margaret and Leif's tips alone.

Two audiobooks kept me busy for 2 days.
Fascinating Hercule Poirot audio mystery with an accomplished narrator
capable of covering a wide cast of characters.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find him listed in any part of the After the Funeral paperback accompanying the audio.  Possibly Gary Waldhorn but nothing stated to confirm that.  
Enough plot twists to keep me guessing and maybe a few too many characters
to keep track of in this one. 
Such a great continuation of Anne's story as she leaves 
Prince Edward Island to attend Redmond College in Nova Scotia.
Anne of the Island
covers 4 years of her life - moving from dorm living to share rent and lives together with friends in a private home for the remaining 3 years of school and socializing.  Anne discovers the home of her birth, receives several very unusual proposals, visits Green Gables home for weddings of her childhood friends, and studiously avoids Gilbert's attentions.
An excellent addition to the Anne series, 
I'd certainly recommend either novel reading or audio copy.
Not entirely committed to any particular reading this week.  Definitely happy to have posted
three netgalley reviews.  Feeling positively inspirited by that wee success.
I do have Somewhere in France on audio from the library 

and a couple ebooks to catch up on netgalley reads before I get too far along with my current reading selections.
Highland Call When Great Britain declares war on France, Napoleon orders the arrest of all British men on French soil, including Selena Delaroe's twin brother Nicholas.All attempts to secure his freedom fail. By 1811 he has been detained for eight years. When the French threaten to kill him, Selena agrees to spy for them to keep her brother alive, though she is a Christian and loyal to England. The British government asks Gabriel Macpherson to help them determine whether or not she is working for Napoleon. Soon after Gabriel becomes the manager of her country estate, he falls in love with Selena. When he learns she is a French spy, he must choose between his heart and loyalty to his country ...
In the Field of Grace  is a fictionalized telling of the Biblical story of Ruth and Boaz.

One of my favs, and a perfect romance for this month of Love, I look forward to experiencing this tale.Without wealth or family, the widow Ruth left her people and followed Naomi, her beloved Hebrew mother-in-law, to rebuild Naomi's home in Israel. Provisions gone and starvation at the door, Ruth used all that she had left--a strong back and a willing heart--to gather grain in a field, abandoned after the harvest.

Tormented by others, Ruth is shocked to find the owner of the field watching her. Talking to her. Bringing food to her and Naomi. Boaz tells himself his kindness toward Ruth is repayment for the love she has shown to his cousin Naomi.  But his heart knows better...

Sounds like the perfect Valentine read 

Looking forward to hearing of your reading successes this past week and what's ahead...
Find more BOOK LINKS listed at Sheila's BOOK JOURNEY


  1. I've had my eye on The Days of Christmas, it looks like a good way to spend a while. Hope you have great week.

  2. Awww I love Agatha Christie. I'm not sure how but even now I continue to watch TV shows based on her books that I've seen before - again and again!


  3. ah! j'aime bien Agatha Christi
    ses décors , sa cuisine
    très Britich
    les series sont agréables à regarder
    bonne semaine
    edith (iris)

  4. Hi, thanks for linking up again this week with Book Musing Mondays. I love variety of books you read each week. I am going to have to check this book out: In the Field of Grace is a fictionalized telling of the Biblical story of Ruth. I love the book of Ruth. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on being the most clicked last week too. We featured you. ;)

  5. I love Monica McInerney, having enjoyed reading Hello from the Gillespies this past year.

    And I have been longing to continue reading the Anne of Green Gables series, as I only read two or three of them as a kid.


  6. I reread Anne of the Island in January as well. I think they may be my favorite of the Anne books. I want to live in Patty's Place! :)

  7. I did get some reading done this week, but nowhere near what you did! It was a couple of days into the read-a-thon before I realized I had forgotten it. *sigh*

    Oh, well, it was my daughter's birthday today. She is now a young lady of 12! WOOHOO!

  8. A lovely variety of books. I always get some new ideas from you. The book by Tessa Afshar based on the story of Ruth sounds especially good. The Book of Ruth is so affecting, because of the many faces of love that it shows. My friend, soprano Julia Schechtman Pabst, recorded a beautiful "Song of Ruth" setting you might enjoy:

  9. Thanks for joining me for another read-a-thon. You got a lot of reading in. Very good! And it sounds like you enjoyed it, which is most important.

    I also wanted to thank you so much for your condolences on the loss of my aunt. I really appreciate it. :)

  10. Twelve Days of Christmas sounds lovely -- maybe for next holiday season -- I like Christmas-themed books old and new around that time. And I've been needing a good new short story book so that one goes on my TBR list (new author for me). I'm still challenging myself to read all of Agatha, and hadn't read this one (but I have never been able to get into audio books, sadly)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!