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Sunday 1 March 2015



Another good reading week in my wee corner of the world ~

I am seriously glad for the goodreads challenge tracking my record
so that I can report back for Monday posts!
I completed The Secret of Pembrooke Park in time for my Book Tour slot.
Five star read and a great opp for any historical mystery / romance readers to win the
Julie Klassen Collection of Eight Novels + Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey dvd.
Here's the Tour + Giveaway Post - Comments are your entry [ends March 9]

Long awaited copy of Prelude for a Lord by the prolific Camy Tang 
writing as Camille Elliot for this one,  her 1st Regency.
Definitely a series I'll be following.  What a relief to not be living with under the censure of society at that time.  The poor woman wasn't to use her musical gifts because it wasn't seemly for a woman to raise her arms in public.  Which, of course, is necessary when playing the violin!  Fantastic adventure and suspense to guard and keep the unique violin gifted to Alethea by the Italian woman who taught her to play.  Recommended, Yes!


For my Lent video series, I added the print copy of 
Henri Nouwen's Life of the Beloved.
Filled with thoughtful insights 
on spiritual living,


I followed up with an animation of Nouwen's
Reflections on Leadership ~ In the Name of Jesus 
video/audio created by an American youth group .
Another excellent read for Lent.
Available on youtube.

Two book club picks begin this week's reading for me.

Taking time for self-care in the midst of the prevailing
culture of busyness.  I'm all for that affirmation!
The Fringe Hours: Making Time For You
by Jessica N Turner
and Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves From Old
Habits and Fears by Pema Chodron who lives on
Canada's eastern coast. 
This read is with fellow classmates from my studies
this past autumn in Arizona.
Great to be keeping connected.

I've joined the TBR Challenge for the month of March
~ or as far into it I can, with grandbaby due midway!

Join up here if you've got some TBR to tackle!

March 2015 Take Control of Your TBR Pile

If interested, here's a headsup for the Mini Read-a-Thon from the 13th - 16th 

TBR Read-a-Thon

Thanks for stopping in.  HapPiest reading times for everyone...

Find more reading recommendations at
Book Journey * Literacy Musing Mondays *
* Book Nook
 * Musing Mondays *




Kathryn T said...

Some great reading here Sharon. I must check out that Pema Chodren book, sounds good.

Teddyree said...

Countdown to grandbaby ... how exciting! Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

You are a ba-a-a-d influence my friend! *LOL* j/k I'm definitely thinking about that read-a-thon.

Kim @ This Belle Rocks said...

You've got quite a list there! I keep thinking about joining reading challenges on GoodReads, but I do good just to read a book per month that I pick out for myself. I may be a fast reader physically, but since I usually only read late at night when I try to get to sleep, it takes me forever to finish a book.

Good luck to you on your challenges!

Kim @ This Belle Rocks said...

You've got quite a list there! I keep thinking about joining reading challenges on GoodReads, but I do good just to read a book per month that I pick out for myself. I may be a fast reader physically, but since I usually only read late at night when I try to get to sleep, it takes me forever to finish a book.

Good luck to you on your challenges!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Henri Nouwen is always a wonderful read. This Lent I am reading My Life With the Saints by James Martin, SJ and for my devotional I am using A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St Therese of Lisieux by Father John F. Russell, O.Carm. So far so good!!! Thank you for the reading list!! Have a grand day!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Thanks for sharing all these books with us!

Anonymous said...

I would really like to read Prelude for a Lord. I'm familiar with Henri J. M. Nouwen. Read one of his journals years ago. He's wonderful. Didn't know he was still writing.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Enjoy your week! The Fringe Hours looks tempting.


alberta ross said...

good luck with challenges and the baby:) take care:)

Cleopatra Loves Books said...

What a great selection of books - Happy reading!

Unknown said...

Looks like you have your work cut out for you but I know that it is a labor of love. Good books in your pile!

Mystica said...

A lovely selection. Enjoy.

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

Good luck with your TBR challenge! I know you're excited about a new grandbaby though!

Michelle said...

My very favorite book of 2014 is `The Secret of Pembrooke Park` (Julie Klassen)

It's one book I am still talking about!

Katherine Thayer said...

The Secret of Pembrooke Park is a lovely historical fiction with a well-crafted mystery and characters easy to root for.

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