Wednesday 1 July 2015


100th Anniversary !


by L. M. Montgomery

"to all the girls over the world who have
"wanted more" 
about ANNE"

My Thoughts?
Always a love, L.M. Montgomery's rich story of a grown Anne of Green Gables at eighteen as she leaves her beloved home and Prince Edward Island to fulfill her dream. 
Dialogue driven, Anne of the Island has it's own way of evoking the era. Maud Montgomery is adept at creating witty conversation and humour that adds to the listening [and reading] enjoyment.
Anne of the Island, originally published in July 1915, continues to inspire and influence heartfelt love for Anne and Ms Montgomery's writing on this 100th year anniversary of its publication.  
Written at the manse in Leaskdale, Ontario, following her marriage to minister, Ewen MacDonald, it  followed the successful 1908 publication of Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea, 
This third novel in the Anne series includes 4 years of an adult Anne's life. Moving from her rural home at Green Gables on Prince Edward Island to city life in Kingsport, Nova Scotia, Redmond College [based on Dalhousie University where Maud herself attended] dorm living, to shared rent of Paddy's Place, a cozy private cottage Anne had dreamed of since discovering it in her first year at college.  We are treated to her life together with friends Priscilla Grant and Philippa Gordon for the remaining 3 years of school and socializing as Anne pursues completion of her education BA.  
During this time, Anne discovers life on her own initiative, the sale of her first story, the home of her birth in the fictional town of Bolingbroke [based on New London], along with a welcome gift from the current owner.  Anne receives several very unusual proposals, visits Green Gables home for holidays and weddings, including that of her childhood friend Diana, romantic attachments,
and studiously avoids Gilbert Blythe's attentions.
An excellent addition to the Anne series, 
I personally recommend either novel reading or audio copy,
especially in honour of this 100th year Celebration!
Post Hypnotic Press audio, published May 30th 2013,  8.5 hrs.
This version features Colleen Winton as narrator, as the first 2 Anne audios in the series.  I find her characterizations are not as distinct as could be though the age of the voice corresponds closer to the older Anne in this story.  Sample: LISTEN HERE
Production is well executed technically for listening enjoyment. Speech is evenly modulated without breaks or background interruptions.  
*Appreciation to Post Hypnotic Press for an audio download for listening and review purposes without cost or compensation.
Author L.M. [Maud] Montgomery :

Lucy Maud Montgomery was a Canadian author, best known for one of several series of novels beginning with ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, published in 1908.
Born at CLifton, Prince Edward Island, November 30, 1874,
she came to live at Leaskdale, north of Uxbridge, Ontario, in 1911 after wedding Rev Ewen Macdonald on July 11th, 1911 in Prince Edward Island.  Her three children were born at Leaskdale.  Maud wrote close to a dozen books while living in the Leaskdale Manse before the Macdonald family moved to Norval, Ontario in 1926.  Maud died in Toronto April 24, 1942 and was buried at Cavendish, Prince Edward Island.

Find more information  


Anne of the Island paperback and hardback various versions
Free delivery via Book Depository

Boxed collection includes: Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne's House of Dreams
Click to View

Tantor audio cd unabridged includes complete ebook Free delivery via Book Depository
Renee Raudman narrator
Click to view

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* Canadian Book Challenge 9 * Literacy Musing Mondays * Book Nook *



  1. Gosh I loved the Anne books...perhaps it's time to revisit them!

  2. Lovely review, I just hopped over to Audible to check it out, and see no less than 4 versions of the novel! I listen to an excerpt of them all and see which one I will go for. I so loved the Anne books when I was growing up.

  3. i love Anne of Green Gables. went to Canada to see the sights but sadly what they show on the tv movie is nothing of what you will see. made my kid heart sad. but i have my dreams of what i read from the books and movies. the book is just perfect. i can not believe it is a new anniversary. wow. if only we could tell her how great her book is & how it has might the world to so so many. ( :

  4. The boxed set looks lovely. It is also great that you are featuring an audio version and your impression of it. As you observe, Montgomery's books are so dialogue-driven (perhaps this one especially, as you mention), they are perfectly adaptable to being read aloud and savored this way. Even when reading off the page, it is hard NOT to hear the exclamations of Anne and Diana in my head anyway!

  5. I have long been an Anne fan. The first three books are my favorite! A few years ago, my husband and I got to visit Prince Edward Island, and see so many sights from the books. I also enjoyed the first two Kevin Sullivan productions of Anne. This summer, my husband and I also visited Leaksdale, Ontario, where L.M. Montgomery lived most of her adult life.

    My favorite Montgomery books are the Emily trilogy. I also enjoy the Story Girl books. When in Prince Edward Island, I also bought some of Montgomery's published journals, letters, and scrapbooks. Someday I'll read the rest of Montgomery's fiction!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!