Monday 31 August 2015


AUGUST #Collaboreads 
Time for posting my review for the month's theme: 'summertime book setting'
Having loved Anita Higman's stunning novel, 'Winter in Full Bloom', I was definitely open to reading her newest release. I prefer light reading for summer and this plot seemed to be just that for  SUMMER'S LIST .
Here's the publisher's synopsis:
"A dying wish alters the course of a young woman’s life.
Life hadn’t been easy for Summer Snow.  In acts of selflessness—caring for her ailing parents and now, her grandmother—she had forfeited her youth and dreams for the needs of others.  And the only tries she had at love… didn’t turn out. She had her grandmother's bookstore to run, she had her beloved granny, but she was missing something—or someone.  

Opportunity strikes when Granny sends Summer on an unexpected adventure with Martin Langtree, a kind young man from Summer’s past. A childhood friendship is rekindled, a romance is sparked, and mysteries are solved in one magical Texas summer.
Will Summer strike out on love again, or will things finally go her way'?

With lovable characters and surprising twists, Summer’s List is a simple delight."
For my response I'm using the #collaboreads review acronym of READS...
What part of the book could you not get enough of?
I loved the sense of adventure as Summer sets out to find and reunite with her former childhood friend, discovering the uniqueness of Martin's character, and the uncovering of the secrets of his past after all the intervening years.
How did you relate to/care for the characters?
I was especially drawn to Martin.  The contrast between him and the two brothers of his adoptive family was well portrayed, making him that much more appealing.  The grandmother was well characterized and I liked her individuality and creative thinking.
Thoughts on plotline/twists/turns?
Very intriguing family secrets created unexpected twists in this story.
It was not the light read I'd anticipated.  
What other books are like this one?
None coming to mind
Did it remind you of a movie/tv show themes or characters?
Does it serendipitously line up with things going on in your life or in the news right now?
The grandmother's end of life journey and impact on Summer inspired reminders of
the loss of my own mom.  Sad for the loss but so glad for her gain!
Judging the book by its cover:
What did you think of it?  How did it relate to the contents?
Lovely summer sunshine and Summer looking over her shoulder seems to refer to the past
which is a main feature of the story.
Font and layout of pages?
Mine was kindle reading so no font or page layout to consider.
How many out of 5 did you give this book?
Would you recommend this book to a friend?
3.5 *s  from me and yes, I'd recommend it for uniqueness of plot.
Linking up with other collaboreaders for this August read HERE
September's theme?  
Read a "Back to School" themed book, then link up your READS review Sept 28th.
I look forward to discovering what books you choose !

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* Literacy Musing Mondays * Cozy Reading Spot *



  1. This looks like a fun book (and another great linkup)! Have a great weekend, Sharon!

  2. Sounds like a great challenge. Thanks for sharing this with Literacy Musing Mondays. I will be sure to put it on my calendar. :)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!