Monday 24 August 2015


Little free library
Having been entirely captivated by the phenomena of little library book exchanges
popping up at the rate of baby rabbits on my local landscape,
I am taking first steps to creating one of my own.
[little library not little rabbit!]
As I've considered the value and impact of this project,
I've also wondered if other book lovers and bloggers might be interested in joining me...
For those who might be asking, what is a free little library?
The brain child of 2 american fellas in 2009.
Read all about the Little Free Library history HERE
Their mission?  From the website ~

"To promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide and to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations. There are over 30,000 Little Free Library book exchanges around the world, bringing curbside literacy home and sharing over 1 million books annually."

As book reading and reviewing bloggers, we're all about promoting literacy and the love of reading.
I see little free libraries as a tangible way of increasing our reach.
For all those extra books on our shelves, we have a creative option.
Build a little library of our own to distribute books to fellow readers
and increase book love in our own communities.
Established on the principle of "Leave a book  Take a book  Share a book",
library stock is continually evolving and revolving.
Without fees or overdues!
From childrens to diy, stock can vary by the day.
Have you seen little free libraries in your area?  Already set one up?
I've created a pinterest board of info and inspy as I pursue creating my own.
I'm happy to share the ideas HERE and look forward to adding any info you'd like to share.
Tell us more!
I anticipate making this a blog series as the project progresses.
If [and when] you choose to join in, I definitely want to see your project
and would love to have everyone share their participation.
Should I create a linkup?  If you are considering this, please do comment your responses.
I would be so excited to share the journey with fellow blogging book lovers :) !
And, of course, follow each other's progress.
We really can make an impact on and in our communities with this opportunity.
HERE are some stories with more to come.
I've made my case.  Now I await your input.
Much like I'll be awaiting the book input for my little library!
Thanks for spreading the Word.
HapPy Reading [ and creating! ]
Sharing With fellow Bibliophiles~
* Small Victories * Literacy Musing Mondays * Musing Mondays * Create with Joy *
* #sundaysdownunder * Anything Goes * Thursday Favorite Things *
* Cozy Reading Spot *



  1. You have a great idea. My husband and I like Little Free Libraries and there are five in our neighborhood. We go around to them and put books in them and once in a while take a book. I wrote a blog post with photos of several of them a few months ago. We like to give away as many books as possible as we keep buying more.

  2. I just love this! The mayor in a neighboring town just put one in front of his house and is encouraging residents to join him. There are programs providing the little hutches. This is my heart--encouraging family literacy and literacy in general. God's Word can be read by a literate society . . . and in so doing, perhaps hearts are changed.

  3. Sweet!

    We already have a LFL here in our tiny town, so I won't be infringing on that by making another... but I certainly have contributed to it, and will continue to do so! :)

    Great idea, Sharon!

  4. This is a great idea!!!! I never seen one in our area. We live in a busy highway and might be hard for people to stop and grab a book. But this is just wonderful. I love the purpose of this project. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I've heard of little libraries and think they're awesome. As I live in the UK libraries are free to use, and I love my local library, so don't feel the need to try setting one up in my community. Despite that I always find it inspirational when people come up with projects like this, and it always improves my day hearing about them. Hope it all goes well.

  6. I just love this idea! When I was a kid, my best friend and I created a library in my families finished basement. We even had story hour!
    Cynthia @craftoflaughter

  7. Love this idea, my husband has a similar book exchange at his work and it's so useful.

  8. Taking a moment here to interject a HUGE *THANK YOU* for all the Fab stories and responses ! I <3 FHC readers :) !!

  9. We have one on the way to church. One for adults and one for children. They also have placed a bench so that you can read there! It really is quite attractive. The first on of these we have seen was in my brother's neighborhood in Billings, MT. It is a great idea. Thank you for sharing! Have a great week!

  10. I first came across Little Free Libraries from a Kickstarter campaign. Would love to get several set up in my county. We have one library several towns away in the county seat. It is quite nice, and the have a good bookmobile program, but for folks in the more outlying areas it would be nice to be able to pick up or drop off a book near one of their nearby stores or elsewhere closer to home.

  11. What a lovely idea - reading is so important and also a beautiful hobby. Thanks for sharing with us at #AnythingGoes

  12. We recently started clearing out our old books and I got to thinking about these guys after I did an interview with them earlier this year. I think I might donate some to the Salvation Army, because they can sell some and see if I can start one with what's left over

  13. Have never heard of Little Libraries, but it looks like a fun idea. We've done something similar in our school, where each child brought books they didn't want anymore, dropped them in a box and got to take some in exchange.

  14. I love these little libraries too. I live in Madison, which is full of them. I haven't added one to our yard because there are already several on my street. i contribute to those regularly. I also wrote a post about it here:

    I am not trying to be spammy, but I know I always like to read posts similar to ones I have written. LFL is active on Twitter FYI.

  15. One popped up in our area so I always make sure I carry a book to swap when I go for a walk. Wonderful idea.

  16. Hi, haven't seen one of these in my neighter. I love the idea. We do have a book exchange at a local coffee shop, though. Thanks for linking up with Literacy Musing Mondays. ;)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!