Friday 13 November 2015


Week 2: 
Book Pairing hosted by Leslie at Regular Rumination – This week, Nov 9-13, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. It can be a “If you loved this book, read this!” or just two titles that you think would go well together. Maybe it’s a historical novel and you’d like to get the real history by reading a nonfiction version of the story.

Dealing with current health issues is keeping me off line for more time than expected.  Thanks for your continued and encouraging presence!
It seemed to take a lot of considering to come up with my non fiction/fiction pair.  I just wasn't clueing in to what my current reading was offering until I thought of

Lucy's list of the fav Fictional100 of worldwide fictional characters.

 Being one of those fav 100, I would pair it with any Sherlock Holmes' mystery novels and collections such as a recent read,  In the Company of Sherlock Holmes.  A good variety of genres added to the intrigues of Sherlock and Watson.  And any number of other Sherlock collections in paper to audios, graphic novels to radio recordings.

Current Non-Fiction Reads include:

Teresa Blythe's 50 Ways to Pray: Practices From Many Traditions and Times
an excellent guide with practical steps, instructions and tips that introduce many new prayer options for life's varying situations.  Recommending.
Deidra Riggs' Every Little Thing: Making a World of Difference Right Where You Are 
Fun inner views of Deidra's life experiences and her capable parallels with inspiring and inspiriting thoughts .  Short and encouraging, definitely another recommendation.
Susan Cain's well researched exploration of QUIET:  The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking and the unrecognized inner worlds of introverts.  Loved the learning.  Another recommendation.
 This week Becca of I'm Lost in Books is hosting and here's what we are discussing:

This week we will be focusing on the nontraditional side of reading nonfiction.  Nonfiction comes in many forms  There are the traditional hardcover or paperback print books, of course, but then you also have e-books, audiobooks, illustrated and graphic nonfiction, oversized folios, miniatures, internet publishing, nonfiction short stories, and enhanced books (book itself includes artifacts, audio, historical documents, images, etc.) So many choices! Do you find yourself drawn to or away from nontraditional nonfiction? Do you enjoy some nontraditional formats, but not others? Perhaps you have recommendations for readers who want to dive into nontraditional formats.  We want to hear all about it this week!  Then link up yours and discover what others have discovered. 

One non-traditional non-fiction I would mention are the audio and video recordings of talks given by various speakers - some authors - who present their material, whether or not already in book form - to audiences who value their presence as well as their material.  Currently in November's Non Fiction reading, I've been including some of these very examples.  

I've recently enjoyed author and speaker, Graham Cooke's,
inspiring [and often humourous] live session of Overcoming Negativity Through Rest.

Many other genres, from comedy to self-help, are available under the non-traditional non-fiction heading for this week's prompt.  Check the linkup for more options and add yours in comments.  I'd love to hear what non-traditional finds you've discovered!

Linking with this week's host, Kim, and with Tanya, Becca, Lucy, and more hosting 
Travel the World in Books Challenge reading NonFiction in November


  1. I hate you haven't been feeling well! Thanks for participating anyway, trooper! I am reading Lucy's Fictional 100 now and it is SO interesting. I love it. I haven't read Graham Cooke.

  2. Thank you, Sharon! You always recommend such helpful and interesting reads and audio series; I'm honored to discover my book among your suggested non-fiction items today.
    I didn't realize about your dealing with health issues now. Will surely keep you in mind and heart daily.

  3. Sharon, I hope you're feeling better soon! I recently read Quiet (well, I listened to its audiobook version) and really, really enjoyed it; I hope you do, as well.

  4. Q is on my list of nonfiction books to read soon. I am a fan of audiobooks.

    My Nonfiction November #3


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!