Sunday 17 April 2016



Glad to be joining Kathryn and other book lovers for IT'S MONDAY!  WHAT ARE YOU READING?
discovering new books to consider adding to our TBR stacks.
My Week's Reads?
My first Inspector Gamache - set in Canada's Eastern area of Quebec.  Written by popular Canadian author, Louise Penny.
Loved it and already have more audios on library request.
Hunting Shadows by Charles Todd followed.
Another author first, audiobook, that won't be a last for me .
Next, a treat I've long awaited.  A Worthy Heart,
2nd in Canadian author, Susan Anne Mason's,
Courage to Dream series, focusing on an Irish family's
struggles and recoveries.  Heartfelt and engaging!
Stunning covers for every novel in the series!
Montreal by talented photographer, Debra Schoenberger
Atmospheric street photos show a unique aspect of this urban Canadian city in Quebec.
Needing a book with a weekday in its title for a challenge,
I discovered this fun Melendy Family series of the 1940s.
Authored by Elizabeth Enright.  Available on hoopla
for free audio listening with excellent narration
by Pamela Dillman.
Spring Readathon Week with Michelle of Seasons of Reading
begins midnight CDT tonight - April 18 - 24th
One scary read of any genre, then grab whatever's next
your reading list.
Still time to signup HERE.
First up??
Anticipating finally getting into Julianna Deering's
4th of the 
Drew Farthering vintage mystery series
that meets the "1 scary book" readathon requirement.
This traditional British mystery gets a Regency twist when Drew and Madeline Farthering celebrate their six-month anniversary by attending a fancy Regency era costume party. Their knowledge of Jane Austen is evident and plenty of quotes add to the reading enjoyment.

Drew is glad to see Talbot Cummins, an Oxford classmate, with his fiancée, Alice Henley, though many present seem worried about the couple. Everyone's concerns are realized when, at the concluding grand ball, Alice dies of an overdose of cocaine. Tal refuses to believe she took the stuff intentionally, and Drew is determined to find out if her death was an accident or murder.

Drew is shocked and disillusioned when the police arrest Tal's father and reveal that the man has been smuggling drugs into the country for the past twenty years. Tal, reeling from the death of his fiancée and the revelation about his father, begs Drew to find out what's going on. Drew, now questioning his own ability to see people as they really are, does so reluctantly, not ready for the secrets he's about to uncover--or the danger he'll bring down on everyone he holds dear. -publisher
Mysteries aren't a reading hardship for this reader!
So, I'm sure there'll be more to report for
next It's Monday's 
reading.  Including

Other Readings for this week?
Anticipating Deborah's story. Also,
Tessa Afshar's exemplary writing in her upcoming May 1st release.
Perfect for Travel the World in BOoks Challenge.
and intrigued to read this Tolkien influenced novel of
New Zealand debut author, Kara Isaac's, Close to You ~
Releases April 26th!

Great reading options, I'm excited to begin!
How's your week's reading shaping up?
Let us know in comments then link up at The BookDate
Any bookmarks to share ?  I'm heading over to Aloi's
Guiltless Reading

Guiltless Reader with some FuN 
bookmark inspy
 for this week's Bookmark Monday...
See you there!



| Book Nook | Literacy Musing Mondays | Books and a Beat |
| Bookmark Monday | Musing Mondays |


  1. A Worthy Heart both looks and sounds inviting, hope it is as good inside when you get to read it. Irish family - what is there not to like!

  2. The Fine Art of Murder looks intriguing. Enjoy your books this week!

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

  3. Two of my favorites with Louise Penny and Charles Todd. The Prophetess also looks good. I'll have to check that one out. Enjoy your reading week!

  4. I would love to visit Quebec, as I am so enjoying the Gamache series. So far, I'm only on Book 2....and there are many more.

    Thanks for visiting my blog...and for sharing your wonderful books and Quebec scene.

  5. Great books. All look like great reads. I hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful week.

  6. I am all about mysteries this year - and the ones you have posted look good! I have heard such good things about Louise Penny, I really need to give that series a whirl.

    Have a great week!

  7. I know that Louise Penny is a Quebec writer but I have yet to read her books! You have a great mailbox. I saw your review of Montreal. Wonderful. Have you ever visited the city? It's my hometown. :-)

  8. Thank your for joining in BookmarkMonday :) Those bookmarks are probably gone by now ... ;) Did you make them yourself?

  9. What a cute blog title you have. You've reminded me I need to give Inspector Armand another go. I read his first mystery some time ago. And thank you for giving me a Christian fiction book to add to my TBR and 2016 New Authors to Try shelf. I know I have several on my TBR but can't find them. My library has the first Courage to Dream book in Kindle format - yay!

  10. You have a great selection of books. They all look interesting.

  11. How The Light Gets In looks good, I like that cover. And Montreal as well- I've always thought that city seemed interesting and would be curious to see the photos in that book.

    I read the first Julianna Deering mystery but I haven't read any of the later ones- I did enjoy it and the sequels look good as well. Hope it's good!

  12. I've been wanting to read the Inspector Gamache series. This just may be the year that I begin! Happy reading.

  13. Looks like you had a good week.
    How the Light Gets In sounds really good. I want to check into Louise Perry. The Saturday's does look like fun.
    I will check into Hoopla too - thanks for the tip.
    Hope all is good at your end of the continent. :-)

  14. Welcome, Sharon! Glad to have you with us again for another read-a-thon. You have a great line up there. Hope you get in some good reading this week.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!