Saturday 23 April 2016


Annnnnd We're Off !
Today's the annual 24 hr Readathon we've anticipated.
As well as #CANADABOOKDAY !  
Reading, fun mini challenges, chatting, tweeting, prizes - ALL DAY !
SignUp HERE if you'd like to join in
Find the START Time HERE for your part of the world.
The MAIN PAGE HERE for keeping up with what's happening .


Hour 17 - Diversity Mini Challenge 
hosted by Pam at Unconventional Librarian

Posting my multi cultural book of diversity

An honoured female judge and prophetess of Israel's history.

Hour 15 - Jane Austen Attire...

Hoping I am dressed fashionably appropriate for this hour of reading focused on Jane Austen ?

I wouldn't want to disappoint Jane Odiwe on such
an important occasion! 

Jane Austen Lives Again - Mini Challenge 
Hosted by Courtney 

Hour 4 - Where Do You Read? 

I read where I’m physically comfy. Big ez chair with sunny window backing.
Tired of sitting, I stretch out on my cushy pillow backed bed – tea at hand for both!
When warmer temps arrive, I’ll drive to my library and sit out on the patio to enjoy my current read – looking forward to it ðŸ™‚ Thanks for the great photos and challenge!

2nd Hour Mini Challenge at Readage

~ Bookish Childhoods 5 Memories ~

1. Uncle Arthur's bedtime stories with mom reading
2. walking across town to the library each week
with mom and brother.  Being able to choose my own
books from the shelves of this vast collection.
My choices?  The Borrowers! and each available book
in the collection...
3. uncle and nana coming from the faraway city
to our home in a country 
town bringing book gifts!
101 Dalmations one that stands out in memory.
4. beginning to write my own stories in grade five and six 
and having the school principal read them to the entire
school at weekly assemblies.
5. assisting in the church library as an early teen,
then becoming librarian when my mentor moved
cross country.  All those books to choose and stock shelves
for book lovers and readers just like me!  Loved it.

Thanks for the memories, Allison!  great challenge.


Responding to Heather's OPENING MEME Q/A :
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
*\ Canada /*

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Some Hoopla downloads - giving my eyes a rest yet keeping me in the books both reading/listening

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?


4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

Lifetime reader - thanks to my mom who introduced me to the library 
as a wee girl.  The Borrowers are a fav from childhood.  I am now involved in bringing "little free libraries" to my area - creating, installing, and finding
books to stock them.  Exciting summer book times ahead!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?

I look forward to adding some children's books into the mix.  The Reading Rainbow 
post at Dewey's is great inspy for taking this new direction.  Plus, having
them in the house now for the grandbabies is a natural!

I'll be back with updates as the day progresses.
Tweeting @_eHope  #readathon



  1. LOVE this!! Thank you for posting!

  2. Such a pleasure to have you stop by, Sibella. I am truly honoured.
    Thank you for taking time to share your responses.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!