Friday 13 May 2016


Beyond the traditional form of the novel, what are your favourite alternative 

forms? Do you have any favorite works within these alternate forms? 


Fav alternate forms for me are audiobooks and kindle on my tablet.
Favourite audiobooks are the Hamish Macbeth mystery series.
Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache, Jessica Dotta's Born of Persuasion.
Donna Leon's Guido Brunetti.and Sibella Giorello's Raleigh Harmon series.
To name a few...  Are you an audiobook fan?
Which books would you name as favourites?


How do you think the changing format affects the reading experience? 


Changing the format allows for increased reading experience and enjoyment.

It's like having a story 
read to me and enjoyed just like my children
love having the world of a story opened to them in the reading.

I especially love the scottish and english stories when read by  an authentically
accented narrator that keeps it real and takes me back to times

and places I've enjoyed.  Or a full dramatisation by the BBC cast.

And, not to miss, the added freedom to simultaneously work on

other projects whilst enjoying the story!
The kindle on tablet brings cover colour to life for an added appreciation

and the touch screen for font size increase, change in brightness as needed


Our secondary topic, Beyond the Blog, focuses on the ways I engage in 

talking about books outside of my blog.

How and where do I participate? 


In fact, I am always talking books!

I'm actively present at my local library, reserving and requesting

new library purchases of authors not yet shelved and books next in series.
Through this frequent presence I've become known

and have now been asked to partner with them in an upcoming

outreach project of installing Little Free Libraries for low income areas

of the city where I live.  


I am super excited for this amazing opportunity

and look forward to beginning this summer reading extension into

the neighbourhoods that will benefit from increased literacy.

I also am providing a book sale table tomorrow at a local

community club event.


Online, I'm active in quite a number of reading challenges as linked under header
including the goodreads annual challenge - a great way to keep track of my

year's reading - and I'm pretty much

 'meticulous in maintaining my goodreads profile' as abea states ;)
I've taken the '50 book pledge' [see sidebar ] finding it a great way to
track my year's reading and progress and it's not limited to only 50 books!

I love to find downloads of ebooks and audios or streaming via hoopla
a free service offered by public libraries with your membership card.
Also, the Overdrive option.
I can be found

Tweeting books on twitter @_eHope

FB  Bloglovin'  Library Thing  Book Depository affiliate for convenient no charge shipping in sidebar
I post to a variety of weekly book blog linkups and I'm 

Always into a good readathon and week long reading challenges

like the current UK hosted #bookbuddyathon and #boutofbooks
and the month long #CleanSweepArc reading.

Several Pinterest boards  G+  Networked blogs and Bloglovin' all linked below
or sidebar and GFC at bottom of blog

I have met some fantastic bookish friends via blogging and book talk/ tweeting,
that I 'd never have met otherwise.  I am both glad and grateful!


I'm also talking books as member of a local bookstore bookclub meeting once per month.
I would like to begin a 
bookclub, but a bit short on time.  Especially if I ever
want to catchup on ARCs and reviews!


I'm enjoying reading other bloggers' responses to this topic and look forward to
another day of Armchair BEA .

Thanks for stopping in and taking time to chat on this fun topic!

* * *
Shared With -

| Book BLog Discussions | The Reading List | Book Nook |
| Friendship Friday | Literacy Musing Mondays |



  1. Wonderful to learn you're going to be organizing and making selections for Little Free Libraries. You are absolutely the person I would want doing this in my community! All best wishes and blessings for this outreach.

  2. I recently listened to a book set in Ireland with an Irish narrator and LOVED it - so much fun to listen to!

    I love that you're super active with your local library. I've wanted to start a little free library for quite some time now - I think they're fantastic!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. Seriously The Best inspiriting from fellow book loving bloggers! <3 YOU!!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!