Tuesday 10 May 2016


READY . . .?
What is Armchair BEA?

Book bloggers unable to attend the BEA Bloggers ConferenceBook Expo America (BEA), and/or BookCon in Chicago, but would like to ‘meet’ other book bloggers and publishers to discuss books and book blogging can participate in this virtual event. Armchair BEA has been run by book bloggers on a volunteer basis since 2010, although giveaways are sponsored by authors and publishers.

When is Armchair BEA
Armchair BEA runs simultaneously with BEA Bloggers Conference, Book Expo America, and BookCon. Armchair BEA 2016 is scheduled for May 11-16.
Who can participate? 
Armchair BEA is for book bloggers of all genres who cannot attend the Book Expo events in Chicago. Whether you consider yourself a hobbyist or amateur reviewer or on your way to a professional career, Armchair BEA is for you if you blog about books.
Be sure to follow along on twitter

Armchair BEA

Opening Intro Q/A

1.  What is the name you prefer to use?
FHC or Faith Hope and Cherrytea
@_eHope twitter

2.  How long have you been a book blogger?
Blogging since 2010 - books for 5 years

3.  Have you participated in ABEA before?
Almost annually 

Next up for Introductions?

My selection of  A's for the offered Q options:

2.  What is your favourite genre and why?

Historical fiction runs a tight race with mystery for my reading go to. If they're combined it's a sure win!  Set in England?  Perfection.Why?  They challenge my mind to notice and decipher details relevant to thestory and its conclusion or solution as may be.  Then I grab a different genrethat's light reading to have a laugh and I'm set for another mystery!


3.  If you could recommend one other book blogger,
who would it be and why?

Kathryn at The Book Date.  A NZ based book blog where Kathryn shareshospitality each week via It's Monday - What Are You Reading? meme. She visits each of the participants.  She also hosts interesting annual challenges and regularly interacts with her fellow readers.  Kathryn has a similar taste in books and creates a sense of being connected.

4.  Which day of ABEA are you looking forward to the most?

Friday.  Beyond the Books.  Beyond the Blog.Both are about alternatives to the norm.

In books, how do I think the change of format affects the reading experience? 

Beyond the blog?  Ways I engage in talking about books outside of my blog. 

5.  If you could create a playlist that reflects your bookshelf, what would be the first song you choose?

6.  How do you arrange your bookshelves?
Is there a rhyme or reason?
Or not at all? (#ABEAShelfie)


I like having all books of an author together on a shelf and part of a larger group, such as all JAFF together, with all books by an author gathered together -thus, all Jane Austen's are together and included in ALL the JAFF books I own. Or, all Agatha's together in the mysteries. I also like to have my nonfic as a group with each particular author's books together
within that larger group.



in books and the publishing industry

Whose voices do we see?

Whose voices do we need more of?

Where do we find representation lacking and what can we as bloggers do to address that?

What about negative or stereotypical representation?

I see a huge divide between age group representation.  Possibly a result of
writer age plus publishers' target marketing investment?
Definitely a proportionately larger number of books written to the 20 - 30

somethings than middle age readers.
I'm not sure what bloggers can do to change that?  Perhaps to  read, review

and request books of publishers that have main characters in that group?
To speak up with that interest?  Specifically look for those novels to read?
To open the conversation on our blogs?
And, please, not just fluffy elderly ladies solving cozy mysteries.
There is a lot to be said for wise women taking the lead.
Using their life experience and skills gained to impact their world,

relationships, business,  and the readers enjoying the novels.
I also appreciate the several books I've noticed that don't offer the 
stereotypical misrepresentations of clergy.  More would be appreciated.
Perhaps editors could be more aware to wield influence in the writing process?

How would you answer today's Q/A on diversity?
I'd love to hear your thoughts in comments.
Thanks for being part of this week's Armchair BEA conversation!


So pleased you've stopped in at FHC on this week's tour of
Armchair BEA for Book Bloggers.

Thanks for visiting and sharing the Love and Celebration of Books!



Adding to my book blogging 2016 Challenges
Creative Conversationalist

I appreciate Nicole of Feed Your Fiction Addiction
creative innovation with this Discussion Challenge
to get book bloggers discussing book related topics besides just reading!
Anticipating the FuN and inviting You to the Party...




| Literacy Musing Mondays | Book Nook |


  1. Now you have me wondering what JAFF books are :) It is always good to get together with other bloggers who like books while still being at home.

  2. My best guess for JAFF is Jane Austen Fan Fiction. Just trying.

  3. Hooray for English mysteries!
    Meaghan @ mwgerard.com

  4. As you know, love historical fiction too.

    Nice chatting, and thanks for the welcome earlier.

    Have fun this week.

    Silver's Reviews

  5. Well played, Terra ;)

    Pleased to have each of you stop in and take time to chat - and discover fellow genre fans -
    You're most welcome, ELizabeth

    EnJoy this book week via your Armchair!

  6. Misrepresentation of clergy (or Christians in general) is one that I see a lot of. It frustrates me when Christians are seen in only one way in a book (often negative). Sigh.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!