Monday 18 October 2010

praying in colour...

excellent tools to incorporate creativity into our spiritual lives ~
EnJoy developing a new area of your prayer life!
teaching kids to pray in colour ...

praying in colour ...

linking with

 Spiritual Sundays 
providing more inspiring connxns for your week ...


  1. cool! thanks...these were awesome.
    By Mompriest on praying in colour ... at 3:18 AM

  2. Hi, just stopping by to welcome you to RevGalBlogPals! I have introduced you to the ring at our Meet and Greet today. I hope you will add our button to your blog.

  3. Thx Songbird :)
    button is now on the sidebar ~
    WELCOME to each of you Rev Gal Pals!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!