Tuesday 19 October 2010

talk vs walk ...

today offers a new challenge from our study of Len Sweet's *So Beautiful Study Guide*. thx for sharing your experiences with me and when you're ready, with other readers. it's an open door to inspirit one another and share the journey of faith... thx for stepping through that door! God bless you in it ...
Questions from *So Beautiful Study Guide*:

Scripture: James 1:22-25

1. "Doing the gospel is primary speech,
     talking about the gospel is secondary speech."
     Why is it easier for most of us to "talk" than to "do"?

may we walk this day in the enablement God provides through the power and presence of Holy Spirit..


  1. Hi there! so lovely to meet another blogging sister in Christ! I am looking forward to getting to know you much better, your blog looks so lovely and inviting - I just adore your blog button!
    Jen xo

  2. thx Jenny! glad you stopped by & 'followed'!
    please help yourself to my blog button :)
    happy to have it available due to the kindness of Paula from Paula's Palace of Altared Art who took my early blogging naivete and created a work of art with my hopes and wishes !
    tea's on anytime ! :) see you again soon..

  3. Most people are definitely more talkers than doers - doing is where the courage and conviction really kick in!

    Thanks for entering the Sonia Kashuk giveaway and good luck!

  4. that is so true... we need the Lord to help us through. perfectly walking life on our own can never happen.. we need to hang on to Jesus.. =)

    this is a reminder to me too.. not just to 'talk' but 'do'

  5. It's always been easier for me to do rather than talk. It was how I was raised, I take no credit. then when I became a Christian I just carried on.
    Don't you love that He uses us where we are and then carries us forward from there!


  6. thanks each of you for this great chat!
    loving the responses and challenges and getting to hear your faith journeys...


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!