Wednesday 20 October 2010

wednesday wordplay...


'Love Story'
a romantic tale of
awe & wonder
joyous beauty
love expressed
vows affirmed
Grace & Goodness

Want to play along?
this week's wordplay is 'storytelling'.
Each bi-weekly post will have
open comments (or a link-up) for you
to leave a permalink to a photo post of your own.
Just follow the word prompt for the most recent post,
and be sure to include our button in your post:


  1. Hi there! I thought I would say hello because you are linking to me in the Lets eat blog hop. It's nice to meet you.

    I love your Emily Dickinson quote in your sidebar - it's one of my favourites too

  2. I'm back again - thanks for your visit and comment. Hope you don't mind me asking, but did you leave other comments under another name? I can't track you down lol

  3. That's a beautiful photo that captures the moment in a wonderful way :-)

  4. Now this is a story I can relate to! Thanks for visiting redeemed days. Since you visited, I've posted a glimpse of the story of my Sept 4th wedding :) Enjoy it here:


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!