Thursday 4 November 2010

jane austen anyone?

"What have wealth or grandeur to do with happiness?"
~ Jane Austen

for the multitude of Jane Austen fans, i've a wonderful connxn for you to check out...
i'm going to attempt complete accuracy in attribution and copyright info by posting it directly from the site as Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts: A Digital Edition, edited by Kathryn Sutherland (2010). Available at ISBN: 978-0-9565793-1-7

here, you'll actually be able to view Jane's handwritten manuscripts digitized for conservation of the originals.  the collection includes her writings from 1787 as a girl of 11 or 12 through her lifetime til death in 1817, at 41.  it's an amazing site i'm sure you'll appreciate exploring as have i thanks to Lesly, professor of education, and quilter extraordinaire.. quoting from her post, "Jane Austen's original manuscripts were put online last night. In these manuscripts you can see her fabulous novels written in her own hand. The ink is faded, so parts are hard to read, but the Oxford scholars and their research team who have worked on this project have included a printed version that accompanies each page, where you can follow Jane Austen's changes of wording, strike-throughs, and other minute edits...What a treat!"  i'd second that!

in celebration, how about a free download of Persuasion for your listening enjoyment?..
Jane Austen's page at the Morgan Library & Museum is well worth viewing and includes documentary video Reflections of Jane available to view.
here's a bit of wiki for more of all things Austen you may enjoy as well ~
Online works
Fan sites and societies


  1. So glad you lil parcel arrived okay :-)

  2. I bookmarked this one under things I want to do. Thanks for everything Jane Austen. As soon as life in this retirement park slows down I'm going to listen to Persuasion. Thanks for the links.

  3. Thanks for the links...I read most of Jane Austen's books...they are so good!

  4. Thank you so much for letting us know about this. I think it is just fascinating to see her writing process.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!