Thursday 4 November 2010

thursday thoughts ... on thankfulness

'Cute teacup! You've won a giveaway on my blog!'
today's morning wake up! ~
a comment needed moderation from AJ of AJ's ANTICS
and that, to my surprised delite, is what i discovered!
AJ had completed 700 posts as the cause for celebration.
i think most of us would consider that a milestone!
and she's now another month further along from that initial 700.
so would you like to see what her comment was referring to?
here's her BeauTiFuL creativity ~

i am sooo pleased to think her lovely handwork is on its way to my address!
AJ is a young Aussie mom with a darling year old son, Aden, so how she ever has time to write 700 blog posts and create such beauty is amazing to me.  but i surely am thankful!
i enjoy sharing her stories and settings so different from my own yet so similar. interests and life in different time zones.. feel free to visit AJ's Antics.  i know she'll be pleased to meet you too ...


  1. WOW...that quilt is Amazing...unbelievable that you won it! You lucky lady...I'm so jealous ;) Just kidding...not But I am happy for you and now I'm off to check out this fantastic, creative Aussie's blog. Don't have to tell ya...have a great day, fondly, Roberta

  2. thx Roberta! i appreciate your enthusiasm :)
    and a great day for you as well my friend!!

  3. That is so wonderful and such a beautiful quilt. I know you'll treasure it and it couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. Best always.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!