Wednesday 8 June 2011

living with Christ at the centre...

joining with Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience today on the topic ,
"the Discipline of Living Christ-Centric"...
for me the discipline of living Christ-centric begins, as i wrote in my previous post, 
the beginning of each day turned back to the Giver.
the Creator of the gift of the new day. 
seeking the direction, the will of God for me in living each day. 
pleasing, serving, delighting. 

then living that gift with a sense of awe and wonder. 
recognizing God's Presence in it, on it, flowing through it. 
and being amazed... not taking things for granted.

beauty.  joy.  warmth.  hospitality.  change.  routine. 
Life.  Light.  revelation.  interpretation.  understanding. 
aha! moments.

living with an awareness of Christ 'in all'. 
looking for it with expectation
with gratitude...
may you be blessed in your Living today.

Every Wednesday, we Walk with Him, posting a spiritual practice that draws us nearer to His heart.
 To read the entire series of spiritual practices
What does it mean to live with Jesus in the center of our lives?
Today, if you’d like to share with community:
The Discipline of Living Christ-Centric
just quietly slip in the direct URL to your exact post…..
If you join us, we humbly ask that you please help us find each other
by sharing the community’s graphic within your post.

have gratitude to share?
drop by  Iris at Grace Alone on Thursdays


  1. May you be sweetly blessed. This is Denise from shortybearsplace.

  2. "The beginning of each day...turned back to the Giver."
    This is beautiful.
    This is how I want to live.
    This is how I want to begin each morning.
    Thank you for sharing with NOBH.
    With Love,
    Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH

  3. For in Him we live and move and have our being..
    one of my favorite verses . sometimes we get caught up in daily living and forget He is everywhere and in every little thing...thanks for the reminder ..(())

  4. Love the picture of the hands...pleasing serving delighting. I hope my hands look like that after a lifetime of service.


  5. I loved your thought and scriptures. I loved the pictures and especially the one of the hands.
    My husband and I are serving as service missionaries so these thoughts have even deeper meaning.
    I enjoyed dropping by and will be back again.
    Here's my link:
    Living Waters by LeAnn


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!