Friday 3 June 2011

Five Minute Friday . . .

a FuN friday meme from The Gypsy Mama.  like to write?  feel free to join us...
I like chocolate. I like words.
And I never tell my chocolate what’s wrong with it, how it could have been improved, and how disappointed I am in it before I eat it.
I. Just. Eat. It.
That’s what we do around here on Fridays. We eat words. Straight up. Without second guessing, editing, or criticizing them. We simply savour all their deliciousness. For a full five minutes. You should try it. It’s a calorie-rich experience sans calories.
Wanna just write? Without wondering if it’s just right?
  1. Indulge in five rich, delicious minutes of pure writing.
  2. Tell your readers you’re linking up here and invite them to dig in too.
  3. And most importantly, go visit, read, and compliment the five minute chef who served something up right before you.
OK, are you ready? Give your best five minutes for the prompt: 
Every Day...
is a new beginning.
fresh.  unclaimmed territory.  expansive horizon.  ready to be claimed, explored, discovered, valued, envisioned.
what i do with it is my response.  my response to a gift freely given.  voluntarily squandered or voluntarily invested.  my  choice. 
how to begin?  prayer.  an offering.  offering the day back to the Giver.  a request.  requesting the guidance, the establishment of thought required to enjoy and employ this day wisely.  commitment of the day to its Creator.  commmitment of myself to Creator's service, enjoyment and delight.  that i might be who God has designed and desires me to be.  that i might do as God wills.

OK, your turn – show us what you’ve got.
just click here to come over and play along.}
you'll find a
linky list with more great 'Every Day...' posts.

Charlotte and Ginger  also have more spiritually themed posts on their linky at Spiritual Sundays.


  1. This is just SO cool. I'm joining next Friday, if I may? Wonderful idea, love the idea of writing, not just posting beautiful photos. We can get to know people so much better this way. xx's

  2. This is great! Thanks for linking it up to NOBH!

  3. I'm visiting from Spiritual Sundays. I confess, I saw your comment about visitors and I know how much it means to me to have comments (I think we all want to know that someone is reading!)

    Although I don't have the time to visit everyone each week, I wanted to come by here and hopefully offer some encouragement and I'm glad I stopped by.

    I really enjoyed your post - a new day, new beginning. I'm reminded of the verse, "forgetting what lies behind...pressing on toward the mark."


  4. thanks for visiting and chatting ~ sharing your enthusiastic encouragement... blessings!

  5. I'm thankful for the new start we have each day. When I've bungled a day I find hope in knowing I can start over and try harder.

    With joy,

  6. It is so important to be who we were meant to be. So many people try to be like someone they admire. I was guilty of that when I was much younger. I hope you will hang in there and keep sharing on Spiritual Sundays. Not everyone leaves a comment. You may have more people visit than you realize.
    Have a good Sunday and week ahead.

  7. This sounds like it would be fun. Thank-you for sharing this with us.

  8. HI Mate, I am here from Spiritual Sundays also, so sorry I didn't get to visit last Sunday.
    You say, Faith Hope and Cherry tea...I'll add love there also, for without it where are we...Much love to you from the land of Oz...and many blessings to enrich and sustain you.
    Have a beautiful week.

  9. haPpiLy receiving all the LOVE or should i say, cherrytea! :) blessings on each of you from our gracious God Who is delighting in each of us!

  10. Beautiful post! You always make me smile here. I am happy to know you! Take care and enjoy your week! Anne


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!