Friday 5 August 2011

Friday Five from Rev Gal Blog Pals

Kathryn, of the RevGalBlogPals 
writes and invites our Friday Five responses regarding vacations...

"I'm wrapping up a two week vacation that has taken me from beach to basement.


It's true, I took a week off of work to clean out the basement. 
Sadly, to look at a before/after photo would not make it look like my time had been used wisely. 
Just about everything is still down there, it's just in a different pile. BUT... 
our church rummage sale this year is going to be very, very blessed.

I'm wondering if anyone else out there takes a week off of work to do a different kind of work":

1) Have you ever staycationed in order to work on a project?
i've stayed at home to tackle the enormous task of setting up house
after the moving van deposited a semitrailer load of boxes.
sadly, no furniture.  just a sea of boxes...
vacation time spent
emptying boxes, sorting through belongings organizing
useables, recyclables, charitables and trashables!

2) What project did you or would you tackle first?
trying to organize boxes into their respective rooms according to contents

3) Any other projects?
i also have stayed home to work on yard projects

4) What are the pitfalls of a staycation for you?
staying too focused on the work 
without intentionally choosing refreshing, renewing breaks.

5) Never mind this staying at home business, 
where do you want to go and what do you want to do there?
i want to go to warmer climes for winter!
 i want to renew, refresh and relax
in balmy weather
without winter excesses!
no xtra clothing, xtra efforts driving, xtra efforts to stay warm.
sounds like a plan?  to me too!
maybe i'll meet you there ")


  1. Your #5 sounds like a delightful early autumn day around here. Your moving boxes stay-cation sounds like one I did just a couple of years ago although my challenge was too many breaks! :)

    Thanks for playing!

  2. no extra anything sounds divine...
    happy unpacking and organizing!

  3. LOL Love it! Thanks for linking up at NOBH!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!