Wednesday 3 August 2011

random acts of kindness ...

as it's the beginning of a new month,
i'm going to introduce this very cool opportunity
for my very cool readers!

for six months there's been a move afoot
to do random acts of kindness 
for another {or other} bloggers who love to read.
here are the details from Book Soulmates ~

"Wanna do a little something nice 
for a fellow blogger or bookwormy friend? 
{Maybe even get a little something in return} ? :)"

Well, join Book Soulmates 
{Random Acts of Kindness}
R.A.K. program!

 "This is our 6th month hosting this feature.  
it has grown to 344 national and international participants already! 
Books {and kindness} are being sent all over the world! 
How cool is that?!  We are in awe. 
We are so proud of each and everyone of you 
that have helped make this feature a success. 
We are incredibly grateful 
for all the participation and kindness that's being shown. "

  • Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog, etc) 
  • {i created my wishlist link}
  • then posted it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
  • Sign up for August {HERE}
    See who else is participating in August {HERE}

Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button

  • If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, 
  • check out their wish list and contact that blogger for their address.
  • : Please, once you receive a RAK, 
  • email or tweet {Vanessa} at Book Soulmates 
  • so that 
  • she can update the Google doc!
  • At the end of the month, 
  • SHOW YOUR R.A.K!  
  • Make a post saying 'Thank You' 
  • to whoever granted one of your wishes 
  • and share it  :)
Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository 
who offer FREE shipping!

to thank those for joining and passing on the kindness
this month,
Book Soulmates, Isalys and Vanessa,
 are offering something special !
"in honour of YOU
our amazing kindness givers, 
we've decided to have a giveaway!" 
20$ amazon gift card !

ready to join the FuN?
ready to send some kindness to another?
 join  R.A.K for August
and be part of the giveaway...

time for reading wishlists!
 time for bringing joy to another blogger!
i've had difficulty finding participant lists with similar reading tastes,
so i think we need each other!
let's enjoy more summer FuN 
sending that sunshine onward!...


  1. Oh my I love this idea - being able to just RAK a random person is amazing will have to have a look into it and see if I can join in xxx

  2. What a good idea. I'm going to go and check it out. Thanks for linking up to NOBH! :)

  3. I would love to join this group!! But I am still at a slight loss as to how...could I get a bit more of an explanation?


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!