Sunday 27 May 2012

Dream Big ! It's Monday 5/27 What Am I Reading?

Joining with the rest of the  readers at Sheila's Book Journey
sharing this week's reads ~

continuing my reading along with Sheila
in prep for The Secret Garden Party on Thursday!
I'll be posting my review of the book & then partying with the others !!

also learning about prayer unlike what i've known before ~
much more relational than 'Help' i need a lifesaver !!
does an amazing job of relating what we currently do as 'prayer'
vs what God is actually wanting in the life situations we're struggling with~
the intended results of Growth and Change as we mature in our Faith...  
"We can thank God first, in every situation, because every problem 
we encounter comes with His provision attached to it.  
God has a plan and a purpose for us; 
He says that everything works together for those who love Him.  
That promise is a deep well of provision for us.  
Whatever calamity life throws at us, God can use it for our blessing and our benefit....

By entering His presence in the midst of our problem, 
He can act on our behalf.  
Our heart may be all over the place, 
but there is a central place of truth where we gather - 
in the goodness of God." ... 

{"Gratitude is the bedrock of our life and worship"}

"We need to plan to enter God's presence with our thanksgiving
not our prayer...
Psalm 95.2
...once we've come into His presence, 
we need to be still and listen to the heart of God."
~ Graham Cooke

an Essential ~
HIGHLY Recommended !
 and totally ties in with my Book Debut 
Next up~

Fantastic Debut release from Heather Boersma,
  Canadian mom blogger, speaker and now published writer !

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin | Store 

Heather's put together a 30 day 'book journey' {pun intended!}
of reading and dreaming ~
{add journalling for max impact !}
for readers to benefit from Dream Big ..

Dream Big: 
30 Days to a Life Beyond All You could Ask or Imagine

  •  Dreaming and Living Above & Beyond ~
     intentionally !  yes!... &
that's where the journaling opp comes in 
if you're Interested in Investing in Yourself 
for this next 30 days of your life ..

Friday begins 30 days of JUNE ! 
We can make JUNE count  
for more than just another month ~

I love fresh pages of a New Book ~
 I especially love the concept of  Dream Big~
yes, you can and definitely will EnJoy the reading 
check out the first chapter here

 participating Increases the Pleasure of the Learning...
{listening hearing and writing}
 I LoVe starting a new journal !
{perfect for this book & the Crafted Prayer book as ABOVE !}

mmm ~ how about you?
any Grads you know ? any new Moms? 
that need this inspy for beginning their new life?
ok then ..
I thought we might want to hear from Heather's heart 
as we begin this Journey together ...

Ready Set Go ?

We can purchase Dream Big {book nook or kindle} through 

Heather's Giving Back~  
Every time we purchase a copy of Dream Big
we’re helping the fight against human trafficking.  
20% of ALL profits from the book go directly 
to the A21 Campaign.  
You can read more about A21 and how to get involved HERE. 


Once you have your own copy of 
Dream Big
snap a pic of yourself with it  ~ book nook or kindle!
and send it to heather[at]heatherboersma[dot]com.  
Everyone who sends a photo will be entered to win 
free large blog ad space for July and August (if you’re a blogger) 
or a free copy of the book (winners choice). Can't wait to see yours...

follow Dream Big book tour dates:

It's Monday!  What are YOU Reading?


  1. This is a lovely feature post. The journal looks like a great idea. Thanks for sharing and have a good week. :-)

  2. I have tried journaling, but I get so caught up in life, I forget! Looks like a nice idea though!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway heads-up! Well, I really can't keep up with this journal gave up! :)

    Here is my meme:

  4. Wow! This is really nice. Thanks for sharing, it sounds really interesting.

  5. Sounds like a really nice book. When I have a spare minute I will listen to the introduction. I hope it is successful for her. As a first time published author, I know how hard it is to get it out there. All the Best and thank you for your visit and kind comments. x jeanetteann

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting! I found the Saskatoon Tea at the Berry Barn in Saskatoon, SK. I couldn't find a direct link for them but if you go to there is information about the Berry Barn :)

  7. Ha, the only thing I am getting to read today are bills and the ginormous mound of emails in my inbox. Oh well, I can dream of reading a delicious novel.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!