Saturday 26 May 2012


Therefore, behold, I will allure her 

and bring her into the wilderness, 

and I will speak to her heart. . .

There I will give her her vineyards 

make the Valley of Achor [troubling]

to be for her a door of hope and expectation. . .

And she shall sing there 
and respond as in the days of her youth
and as at the time when she came up
out of the land of Egypt. . .

 “On that day,” says Adonai
“you will call me Ishi [My Husband];
you will no longer call me Ba‘ali [My Master].

For I will remove the names
of the ba‘alim [lords/masters] 
from her mouth;
they will never again be mentioned by name.
When that day comes, I will make
a covenant for them
with the wild animals, the birds in the air
and the creeping things of the earth.
I will break bow and sword,
sweep battle from the land,
and make them lie down securely.

 I will betroth you to me forever;
yes, I will betroth you to me
in righteousness, in justice,
in grace and in compassion 

I will betroth you to me in faithfulness,

and you will know Adonai.
 I will even betroth you to Me in stability and in faithfulness, and you shall know
(recognize, be acquainted with, appreciate,
give heed to, and cherish)
the Lord.

And in that day I will respond,
says the Lord;
I will respond to the heavens
[which ask for rain to pour on the earth], 

and they shall respond to the earth 

[which begs for the rain it needs],

And the earth shall respond  

to the grain and the wine and the oil
[which beseech it to bring them forth],
and they will answer Yizre‘el 
[God will sow].

 I will sow her for me in the land.

I will have pity on Lo-Ruchamah

I will have love, pity, and mercy
for her who had not obtained love, pity, and mercy;
and I will say to those who were not My people,
You are My people,
and they shall say,
You are my God!

Hosea 2.14-25
Amplified Bible and Complete Jewish Bible 

Finding Beauty in the Ordinary


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous! Your photos and text have really uplifted my soul this morning!

    Wendy @ ECTaS

  2. So beautiful! Wonderful, uplifting and inspiring, both verse and photos! Have a blessed week!

  3. I echo what Wendy said. This was absolutely uplifting. I will be back.

    Visiting today from Katie Lloyd's,

  4. such a beautiful the photos and the message! Thank you!!

    joy and blessings,

  5. Lovely!!! That picture of the windmill and flowers... took my breath away!

  6. Thanks so much for buttoning up with me. The link is up for this week. All these of pics are so pretty.

  7. Wow! I love the way you married the pictures with scripture, a message I sorely needed to hear. Thanks so much for the invite to your lovely blog!

    Many Blessings,

  8. Absolutely stunning!! Thank you so very much.

  9. I could hang out here and drink cherry tea forever, and ponder the words, the lovely images, the spirit behind it all. My pleasure to be your newest follower. Hope you'll swing by my house too.

    Have a wonderful week!
    ~ Debra

  10. Beautiful post and photos! Thanks for uplifting us at Inspire Me Monday at:

    Create With Joy

    I hope you have a blessed week! :-)

  11. Thank you so much for visiting me today!
    I would love for you to link up anything you fancy for Heart & Home.
    I only ask that posts be godly and encouraging to christian ladies and they can be devotional, pretty, practical..or just fun!
    I so enjoyed this post of yours and love the way you wove such beautiful images with the scriptures.
    Being Messianic, I love the Complete Jewish Bible too :-)
    blessings to you..Trish


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!