Friday 25 May 2012

Pink Saturday Birthday Celebration #4 ! 5/24

to Bev's 4th PINK Saturday Birthday Celebration !

we're dressing our blogs in our best PINKS
to honour our PinK Saturday Hostess with the mostesst ~

and Many More Saturdays of PINK JoYs, Bev !

it's been a delite to find blogging friendship with you
as you've provided a 'home' for all lovers of pink
to gather and share their hearts and treats
that bring moments of peace and pleasure in their lives...

Wishing you Every continued Success !

Hoping today is a Special Day of EnJoYment
as you travel through this Wonderful World of PINK Posts
in your honour ~

Poofy Cheeks


  1. Happy 4th Year PS! beautiful post! I love the pictures and flowers...Christine

  2. Beautiful flowers and sentiments too! Happy P.S to you:)

  3. Happy P.S. to you! Such beautiful pinks!

  4. HPS to you! It is a beautiful place. I have made many friends and wish all a happy birthday celebration! It is nice to visit you here and I enjoyed your pretty pinks!

  5. Such lovely Pink photos -- makes you just want to spend the afternoon in all of this delightful pinkishness!

    Thank you so much for sharing my little giveaway on your beautiful blog. I feel so honored. And grateful~~

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  6. Happy Pink Saturday! We've had 4 perfect years and we will have many more, I am sure!
    Beautiful pink tulips and the tea set is exquisite!
    ♥ Jil

  7. Glorious tulips! And I recognise the Cricut cake... what a great icing effect. I'm happy to say I'm back on Blogger again - WordPress was a total disaster, people couldn't leave comments etc, and it was a nightmare to try and post - so I hope you'll come and visit. I've done a special blinkie.

    Hugs from the UK!

  8. You had a very nice idea for celebrating Pink Saturday. Very well done.

  9. I love your birthday celebration post. Happy Memorial Day weekend and Pink Saturday.

  10. Such beautiful pinkness. Thanks for you visit and kind comments.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Thank you for stopping by the "shop," and for leaving such a kind comment. Giving is one of my ultimate passions, and for Pink Saturday all the better. :)
    LOVED all your pinks, especially that adorable table.
    Happy Fourth Pink!!
    Much love,

  12. LOVE your profile intro..."practical charity"...PERFECT!!!!
    Love and blessings.

  13. Very pretty! That cake is stunning! HPS!

  14. Such a sensational entry for Pink Birthday!

    Please come and link at my Color Connection meme through my PINKentry, hope you'll join the fun!

    I am now your follower.

  15. Beautiful post to celebrate Beverly's Pink Saturday birthday and I hope you are having a sweet Memorial Day weekend. We are having a family cookout/celebration today and I am looking forward to seeing everyone. xo

  16. What a gorgeously pink post! Wasn't Beverly's party fun? It was so nice to see so many bloggers celebrating with her.

    Thanks so much for linking up to my weekly Say G'Day Party. I truly appreciate your support. I'm going to Google Plus this post right now!

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
    Natasha in Oz

  17. Happy Pink Saturday Fourth Birthday Celebration. I apologize that I had not made it here before now. Thank you for the nudge. Your party is gorgeous, and I appreciate you making Pink Saturday special for the party and every weekend.♥♥♥

    Your tea set is exquisite. And, I love the placemat and napkin combination of polka-dots and stripes.

  18. Just checking to see if your comments have delayed posting. I hope you got mine.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!