Thursday 28 June 2012

Annual Canadian Book Challenge July 1st!

Welcome today to the Annual Canadian Book Challenge!

Are you a Reader?
Looking for an interesting addition to your yearly reading Challenges?

The Canadian Book Challenge begins each midyear on Canada Day ~
this year we will begin the 6th Annual Challenge !
 Sunday, Canada's 145th Birthday, this July 1st 

The Canadian Book Challenge is an online reading challenge 
in which participants from Canada and around the world 
aim to read and review 13 or more Canadian books
{author or location}
 in a one year span 
~Canada Day to Canada Day~ 
Reviews must be posted online 
{whether blog, goodreads, or retail sites}
Participants  share links to their reviews 
with other participants via monthly reading linky posts. 
More on reviews and other FAQ's here

Progress toward the goal of 13 books is recorded
and monthly book giveaways are offered.
No expectations or requirements other than having FuN reading!

Last evening I completed my 12 of the 13
 I've recorded each on my Reading Challenges Page on the Right sidebar
as well as the button to the Challenge further down the sidebar.
I have every intention of completing my 13th this weekend!

The Canadian Book Challenge was founded by Canadian 
John Mutford of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
who says
"I've lived north of 60 for 11 years,
I have 1 wife, 2 kids, and 1.245,607 books to be read."!

Keep an eye on John's blog for this year's signup
when Canada celebrates its 145th Birthday this weekend
July 1st !


  1. I never heard about this event! Thanks for sharing! Together with a friend I'm celebrating Canada Day with my first blog giveaway. Come on over!

  2. I had never heard of this before either. Great to see Canadians celebrating our own! I will look into this one! Thanks,

  3. You're most welcome, Jodi, & I'll be looking for your reviews!

  4. Hi and thanks for posting this! Just wanted to share a link to this year's edition of the challenge. The link and logo you've provided are for last year's. It's not a big deal as most of the information is the same.

    I'm looking forward to seeing all your reviews!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!