Friday 29 June 2012

Friday Fives on SUMMER! 6/29

Friday Five: What I Really, Really Like...

About Summer(Winter)

 {Not where I live}

From Rev Gals, here's this week's Friday Five ~

We have members all over the globe, 

so while I stepped out this morning and thought, 

"oh, my, Summer's really here and it's just the end of, hot, hot" - 

some of our folks are deep into Winter and thinking the same thing. 
Except about cold/rainy/whatever it is weather.

So, for a better attitude (for me anyway) and maybe a boost for you too...

What are five things that you 


like about the current season where you live?  

and, for a bonus:

Something you are looking forward to about another season?

SUMMER for me!
and oh, am I loving it ~

1~ Warmth!

2~ Sunshine in vast doses!

3~ Easy access to everything everywhere!
No need for boots, mitts, scarves, parkas, scrapers for icy windshields,
 time to warm up the car's interior and engine before heading off anywhere!

4~ Flowers & Greenery wherever I look ~

BEAUTY of Colour & Fragrance!

5~ Living Large !
Living in the largeness of the Outdoor Life !
eating outdoors, sitting outdoors, reading outdoors ~
getting past the four indoor walls!

All the exclamation points are definitely emphasizing my appreciation
for the season I adore!
For all who live in this year round,
may you truly value what you have!


For this Special Summer Weekend
I am Grateful to be Celebrating Canada's 145th Birthday
July 1st !!

Be sure to come on back on the 1st day of July for your
Free pc Calendar Wallpapers ~


  1. what beautiful pictures and I am so there with all your"!!!!!" peace!

  2. Great photos and wonderful fonts!

  3. I also absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE summer! For all the reasons you gave, I just say ditto! Love the photos you chose too!

  4. Great play! I found an ice scraper in a rental car not too long ago. Could NOT figure out what it was. LOL

  5. Thank you for stopping by the shop. ;) Love your post. Living in Florida, summer is basically all year long, but it does make its presence known a little more evidently from June to Sept. I love going to the beach during those months because the water is a lot friendlier (less jellyfish and such). Love the afternoon storms and reading a summer book under a huge umbrella by the shore. My favorite season is autumn, but I've learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of all four, and even in Florida each has certain distinctions.

    Enjoy your weekend.
    Much love,

  6. I have to admit that there are aspects of every season I love! Spring - hope and renewal all around me. Summer - warmth, sunshine, flowers and family. Fall - colours and smells. Winter - purity and the gathering in of family. Thank you for this post. It has reminded me . . .
    Thank you for sharing on NOBH!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!