Saturday 30 June 2012

'Lucy Come Home' ~ Dave and Neta Jackson 6/30

Welcome to the Exciting Book Tour
for Dave and Neta Jackson's June Release!

'Lucy Come Home'

A captivating story of a 15 year old girl, Cindy, coming of age in the depression.
Travelling with her family of 9 as migrant workers, being taken advantage of by farm owners,
and regarded as less than in society, is the norm.
When a tiny dog arrives at their latest ramshackle migrant abode,
a bright spot of life arrives with him...
Bo is a young carnival worker, travelling town to town,
providing the thrill of the ride for those of the area and a life for the carnies.
When he goes out looking for his dog,
Bo finds him in good company.  
Company he chooses to pursue when he meets the pretty Cindy!

So begins our tale of the life of Lucy ~
Told in flashback form, 
we are carried along in the present while referencing the past.

Take a peek HERE with a Free Read of the exciting prologue
plus first chapter & you'll be Hooked !

'Lucy Come Home' captivated me with a continual stream of my own questions of 'why'?
keeping me flipping those pages discovering answers!
Why did a lovely young girl end up on the streets as a bag lady?

and why, being the eldest of 7 siblings, is she alone in the world?
Why has Cindy become 'Lucy' ?
What happened to Bo? His friendship?  His dog?

Many questions needing answers!

I had a deliteful Saturday reading 'Lucy Come Home' searching out 
and  finding those answers in the intersecting and entangling story of past and present.
A fascinating look into the all too common world of the marginalized,

have done a service to readers in accurately picturing what life on the streets
can be like for the aging and homeless.
A world most would rather not know about.
Would rather turn their heads as they drive by.
Would happily ignore in their willfully blind pretense of not knowing...

My appreciation to Dave and Neta for bringing this story the human touch
of a life loved by God and valued as with all others of God's family!

Available wherever fine books are sold or ordered, as well as online sources.

  • Paperback: 424 pages
  • Publisher: Castle Rock Creative, Inc. (Jun 13 2012)

*I was provided this book by Litfuse without cost or obligation to provide a positive opinion on same.


  1. I'm pretty sure I've read some books by the Jacksons before because their names are very familiar to me. And this sounds like a good one to pick up. I need some good book ideas because I haven't been reading enough lately. Thanks for reviewing this one, and thanks for linking up to B&BB. It's always a pleasure to have you there. I'm praying you have a blessed week!

  2. Thanks, Gail!
    check in Mondays for What Are You Reading? posts of books i've received and either am or will be reading! i only post ones i'd recommend, so you have an entire library of choices in no time!
    Glad to hear you're looking to increase reading! a Life giver...

  3. I just finished a book about the depression and was amazed at what I learned. This does look like a good read, too. While I read for entertainment at times, I still like to have some meat in the book!

  4. I hear you, Pamela! this one is just that and in surprising ways.. EnJoY!

    and TY for taking time to share with us today on this busy long weekend ~ appreciate your presence with us!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!