Wednesday 29 May 2013

Armchair BEA Discussion: Blogger Development 29.5.13

From Armchair BEA for today: foster "blogger development" we're inviting you to talk about your approach. 

1- Have you branched out into your community? 

A lot of participation in Blog weekly linkups, annual Read-a-Thons 
with full twitter participation !
attend book launch parties on blogs and FB,
[don't forget to bring a treat or 2!]
Blog  Birthday Parties, themed Blog events such as reading Jane Austen in August ,
Blog Tours and Giveaways, the Ultimate Blog Party, 
Liking , reviewing and connecting  personally with authors, on their blogs and FB,
Joining blog and FB reading groups and specific Book Genre groups,
Joining Goodreads Book Groups and Reading  Challenges, etc...
I talk about blogging when opportunities are presented -  
and have had professionally printed blog business cards to hand out
to friends who've want to know more of what I'm doing and especially 
with public librarians to expand  the influence and availability of books.
Yes, I have branched out in being invited to write for a community newspaper, then
even further, being invited to write articles for a West Coast magazine.

2- Do you partner with other bloggers? 

Yes, I do partner with other bloggers - Linda from W Virginia who guest posted at FHC 
at the onset of health issues that would have kept me from blogging.
Her followers followed her here, so we all met new bloggers as a result!
Another is with Natasha in Oz who  has a weekly Saturday meme [where I regularly link]
had me guest post a new group Pinterest idea board,
which I have innovated for bloggers / pinners to exchange, sell, or giveaway books.
**Email me  or comment your interest to be added to join the group 
and begin adding your pins!
{I've added the pin board link below}
I also partner with linky hosts by reposting their code which increases awareness of the linky
and new posts are linked from bloggers discovering it at my blog.

3- Have you gone "pro" or tried generating some income through your blog? 

I am in that process with some book affiliates even as I write this response.  
Looking forward to it, but not wanting it to take over FHC's creative blog persona.

4- If you're a long-term blogger, how has your online personality developed over the years?

I'm trying to relax more into blogging as I am 

and when I either have time or internet access, {which can be sporadic at times} 
rather than under obligation or expectation.  
I don't want to leave life involvements undone
because I've elevated my online work beyond what's balanced.
I am visually inspired, so I've increased that aspect in my posts for fellow creatives!


5- Tell us about things you've done to expand your blogging horizons,
and the things you'd like to do but haven't managed (or figured out) yet.

I've made requests and inquiries of businesses in directions I'd like to go 
regarding my interests.
Researching options for affiliations and reading up on sites with insight on those topics.
I've innovated a new Scotland Reading Challenge for 2013 
[see sidebar for link button]
and I'm still pursuing 
whether or not to begin a new weekly meme.  
Something time and health constraints have a definite impact in deciding.
[plus that imminent grandbaby's arrival!!]


If you're participating and have posted your responses ,
GO HERE to link up your post, then see what other participants have to say.
Let's foster our development as bloggers and learn from each other!

[And if you want to talk about books, today's genre discussion is...genre!
Genre fiction, that is. Armchair BEA blog 
will have a separate link tool for you 
to add your posts on the topic to our lead discussion.]


  1. Not that it is necessary, but I can attest to how marvelously Sharon (as Faith, Hope, and Cherrytea) branches out into the blogging community as partner and supporter.

    Love ya Sharon! Thanks for all you do.

    Hugs, Sharon

  2. Hi Sharon,

    Connecting with you from BEA! Would love an invitation to your BOOKD Pinterest board. I have 2 book giveaways going on right now that would be great to pin - come check them out!

    Love all that you do too and enjoyed reading your post!

    Create With Joy

  3. Oh Your pinterest board sounds FABULOUS!! And so does yoru back yard! Mine is currently all muddy since our snow JUST melted here in AK!! I love TEA! I was featured on this tea website once because they found me talking about TEA constantly ! Thanks for the great post today!

    My DAY 2 Post

  4. Nice comments. Thanks. And great Smith-Corona typewriter. Is that yours?? Vintage!

  5. Excellent post - and thanks for sharing how you're doing things. It's always interesting to see what other bloggers are doing and get ideas and more importantly stoke that fire of passion for blogging :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  6. That's such a great idea for a Pinterest board--going to check it out now!

  7. Nice! You know about so many events. I love launch parties, Facebook, twitter and real life ones. I like just blogging when I'm free too. Shall check out your pininterest board.

  8. I think the visual elements are very important, in terms of attractive readers and engaging them in discussion. It's something I overlooked for a long time and still struggle with, but I've definitely been making more of an effort.

  9. I'm definitely interested in the reading Jane Austen in August event you mentioned. I really want to read some more of the books (have read P&P 3 times already but none of her others).

    I recently joined Twitter and love all the book interaction there!

    My Blogger Development

  10. It sounds to me like you have branching out down to a science. I've thought about contacting my local newspaper about partnering, but haven't pursued it. I'm not sure my writing is good enough. Great post!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  11. Great post. That's so great that blogging helped you get into writing for a community newspaper. I signed up for an affiliate too but haven't set the links up yet, sorta nervous about doing something wrong inadvertently with FTC rules Hope you have a great ABEA Week! New follower here. Here's my Blogger development and favorite books by genre post if you'd like to stop by.

  12. Excellent ideas. Like your intentional action and pursuit of development - it's paid off well.
    Like the responses from the authors themselves. Says a lot !
    Great encouragement.. Thanks,


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!