Tuesday 28 May 2013

Armchair BEA Day 1 Discussion: Joys of Reading Jane Austen

What a great topic to begin our BEA Book BLogging Week ~
One of my fave [among many!] classic authors?
Jane Austen


I know, I've heard the negatives of those who 'can't get into her writing',
but perhaps there are ways to overcome the issues?
I would suggest starting your exploration with an audio version for, perhaps, an intermediate level.
This way you'll have the pleasure of someone reading you a story that allows you to 
relax and receive rather than giving yourself in a struggle to understand.
Penguin Reader service has published a great series of abridged Jane's books complete with cd
that make a great intro to her writing and storytelling.

The next recommendation I would make is to choose an annotated version of the book of choice.
Having the unknowns in the story explained via notes included alongside is a great option to overcome any reading hesitancy.  What does this mean? or I wonder what this is? 
are now understood and you're the richer for the reading experience.  
Jane's insights into and examples of human nature, both good and evil, are not to be missed.
Then once you've grown to appreciate these introductions
you'll be hunting down your own copies of the titles.
All of the above are available via your public library making it a painless way to begin
your exploration.  
There are countless blogs furthering love of Jane Austen, another source of info and connection.
And blog reading events like Austen in August and Jane Austen reading groups on Goodreads and at Indie Jane for examples you can check into.
When you're ready to begin your own collection, you might want to visit your local charity or thrift store.  Beside saving yourself a lot of cash you'll be supporting a good work in your own neighbourhood.
I'll look forward to hearing from you on your new reading adventure
and sharing the Joys of  Reading Jane !

A few other personal fave classics?
CS Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia
LM Montgomery's Rainbow Valley and Anne of Green Gables series
George MacDonald's At the Back of the North Wind, The Marquis' Secret +++


  1. I am an absolutely huge fan of JA - in fact I even watched P and P the other day when it was raining. I keep a collected works of her on my bedstand.

    But......Persuasion was my very least favorite, I didn't like it and couldn't get into it like all her others. I am not sure why. Just thought I would tell you. Perhaps I need to revisit, it's been a good number of years since I attempted.

    Love your Keep Calm.

  2. Oh, and of course your awesome first pic - is clever and true and wonderfully done, my friend!!

  3. I recently read Emma for the first time and it is a book I think anyone would like. I chose it because it said it is full of humor, and I agree. So that is a good book for new (or any) Jane Austen fans.

  4. I love the way you have laid out your post!! Truly original and helpful for those who are a little put off by classics. And Jane Austen is always a good place to start with the classics.

  5. Each of you have added to my day! TY!
    Hugs back at ya!

  6. So many people love Jane Austen, so I really need to read something by her soon! I keep meaning to read Pride and Prejudice, so that is probably where I'll start, but I'll definitely give Persuasion a look too.

    Thanks for stopping by my post! :)

  7. Love Jane Austen!! Great choice for the classics theme!

    Happy Armchair BEA!

  8. I have only read Persuasion and P&P! I really must read more Austen!

  9. Excellent! This is a great post, Sharon. Well thought out and very helpful to those, like me for many years, who didn't make the effort to read Austen (and other classics). Sure glad I finally did, of course!

  10. I love reading works by Jane Austen, she is probably the author that 'got me in to classics' in all honesty.

    The quote and image at the start of your post - lovely :-)

    My Book Bubble

  11. Your blog inspires a person to reread Jane Austen books, which I am planning to do. Great blog, just love it.

  12. I am a HUGE Jane Austen fan! Thanks for posting the link on my blog! Loved this post! :)

    Heather from Turning Pages

  13. Excellent step by step intro system.. thinking that would be great to implement for any classics a reader may be uncertain of. Well done!


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