Tuesday 28 May 2013

BEA Armchair Version Begins! Today is about Introductions ~

Welcome to Faith Hope and Cherrytea -

Armchair BEA officially kicks off today!  

Monday, a quick kick-off post with a brief summary of what to expect 
throughout the week.  
**TODAY - Tuesday, we break the ice and open up the excitement 
to all of you with our annual introductions.  
In New York City, bloggers, authors, and publishers will be networking 
throughout the week, and it is during this time of 
Armchair BEA that you get to do a bit of networking 
from the comfort of your own home.
  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: I am a lifelong reader,
    thanks to my mom who included visits to the library in our small town walks !
    How long have you been blogging?
    I began blogging coming up to 3 years this June.
    Why did you get into blogging?  As a family we had just returned from attending my daughter's wedding and I wanted some way to express my responses to that event.
    I didn't particularly think it would become a public effort but it evolved into that along with sharing interests with others of like mind...
  2. 2. Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA?  2nd year now

    What brought you back for another year?  Totally loved the FuN last year and didn't want to miss a repeat :)

    3. Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.  My first grandbaby is due any day !! #1 important
  3. otherwise, it's probably easy to pick up on my luv of TEA and BOOKS! ;)
    4. Which is your favourite post you've written that you want everyone to read? 

     That would be 'Love Revealed' .
    599 views last week alone so I guess it's more than just my fave :))
    Definitely hapPy for that !

    5. If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be + why?
    One top contender would be CS Lewis.  I'd love to know more about the Inklings and their writing, his own creative inspy for writing the Narnia Chronicles, his appreciation of George MacDonald [another contender for this dinner!] his tenure at Oxford and his faith journey... Would need an early dinner to cover everything!!

    He died on 22 November 1963
    the same day that U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated,
      the same day author, 
    Aldous Huxley, died.
    ** In 2013, on the 50th anniversary of his death,
    CS Lewis will be honoured with a memorial in
    Poets' CornerWestminster Abbey.

Glad you're here and if you're participating in Armchair BEA
Have a wonderful week mixing and mingling with fellow bloggers !
Grab refreshments to go !
Enjoy your travels  !

I'll be on the lookout for you throughout this week !
Thanks for stopping in and taking time to chat...


  1. C S Lewis! Great choice. He certainly would be interesting. Might need a whole weekend to cover everything with him though... :0)

  2. I think I'd also like to visit with C.S. Lewis, but I think in the end I'd be so intimidated!

  3. Wow, you started blogging about an important wedding, cool!

    This is my second year too. MMM, the tart looks delicious!

  4. Tea and books...is there actually anything better? Haha. Congratulations on the grandbaby, I hope he/she arrives safely! (and on time!) :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post, it's nice to meet you!

  5. Your first grandchild!! Oh my word, you must be so excited! I can't wait to be a grandma, lol. I'm hoping that it's not for many years but still!

    I hope you're having a wonderful ABEA!

  6. Congrats on your first grandchild being due!

    Happy Armchair BEA!

    Freda's Intro

  7. Welcome back to Armchair BEA! And congrats on your first grandbaby! That's so exciting! I think CS Lewis is a great pick to have dinner with! Good luck the with rest of Armchair BEA!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  8. Oooh, C.S. Lewis! Interesting choice! Definitely a multi-faceted individual.

    And you're keeping up with Armchair BEA while waiting on a baby?! Or is that a good time filler for nervous energy ;) Congratulations! Have a good week all around!

  9. How exciting to welcome a new grandbaby! I am so looking forward to that season in life. Have a great week.

  10. Def a CS LEWIS fan - can't imagine how amazing that dinner would be ;)
    and thanks for the treats to go...:)
    enjoy ABEA!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!