Wednesday 19 June 2013

Audio Book [Mid] Week Meme 19.6.13

Jen,  our  Audio Book Week host at Devourer of Books,
offers something quick and easy for the middle of the week ...

Current/most recent audiobook:

Journeys of a Passionate Traveller
Frances Mayes [Under the Tuscan Sun] Travel memoir of the Mediterranean
[Cassandra Campbell narrator]
summer listening...

Current/most recent favourite audiobook:

For those who care more about what faith does 
than about what it tells us to believe, . .
[click link for a brief listen]
The Awakening of Hope by new monastic, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
FREE for download -  All of JUNE at

One title from your TBL (to be listened) stack, 

or your audio wishlist:

Definitely one of many on the wishlist.  And, hopefully soon...
In Wonderstruck, Margaret Feinberg invites us to toss back the covers, climb out of bed, and drink in the fullness of life. .to recognize the presence of God in the midst of your routine, unearth extraordinary moments on ordinary days, identify what’s holding us back in prayer, and discover peace in knowing we’re wildly loved.
Narrated by the author.

Short and Sweet post today, Thanks Jen.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday
Enjoy your listening opportunities !



  1. It's been years since I read Under the Tuscan Sun and I really enjoyed it... must look into Mayes' other books.

  2. I'm not familiar with these...will have to check them out!

    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  3. Oh, I'd love to listen to A Year in the World! Sounds like the kind of memoir I would enjoy.

  4. Cassandra Campbell is a wonderful narrator.

  5. These sound interesting. I've already read Under the Tuscan Sun in print, but I can see how it would make a great audio!

  6. I haven't listened to Cassandra Campbell in quite some time. Might need to pick up one of hers soon.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!