Thursday 20 June 2013

Audio Book Week: We're Listening ! 20.6.13

We're Listening Day 4 of the Audio Book Week

hosted at Devourer of Books blog . Our discussion topic today?
Today’s prompt:
What do you do while you listen?
Any particular tasks or games that you find amazing for audio time?
Despite all the invites to game playing I know I'd be caught up in them 
leaving a lot of other things undone!  I have to astutely avoid them for my own good!
Usually what I do while I listen is drive.  I find listening makes driving relaxing.
The miles fly by and I'm at my destination seemingly in less time.
And I've enjoyed the pleasure of imagining with the story.
Listening at home whilst folding laundry, doing laundry, making beds,  meal prep
[if it's a familiar dish not requiring concentration!]
knitting, quilting, creating bracelets or bookmarks, are some tasks that afford easy listening.

The easiest, of course, is resting somewhere in the world of the story!
What are you up to when audiobook listening?
Care to share?
Find more responses at the Devourer of Books link up
[why not add yours?]

Linked to Sarah's weekly Hope in Every Season
Katherine's Favourite Things Thursday


  1. hello
    j'ai fait une inscription
    sur mes lectures
    j'espère que c'est comme ça qu'il
    faut faire ??,
    à bientôt
    edith (iris)

  2. I think if I were to lay in that hammock listening to a book, I'd fall asleep!

    I do like that the audiobooks help motivate me to get done some of the tasks I rather not do.

    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  3. Sounds like we all listen when we drive, and many people listen while doing chores around the house. Yay audiobooks.

  4. absolutely!
    and being motivated changes everything ;))

  5. I can't rest anywhere and listen to an audiobook - I instantly fall asleep.

  6. I'm like Carol--I don't think I could rest while listening. I also get very restless. But my husband will sometimes listen to his book in bed which means bonus reading time for me! And ditto with the games. I don't even want to think about putting them on my phone. ;)

  7. I am pretty sure I would get lost in that view there. No way I'd be able to pay attention to my book. Lol.

  8. I wish I was more crafty so I could listen and make something cool to wear!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!