Friday 21 June 2013

Friday Five: Prayer

Today's Friday 5s from Rev Gal Jan :
At the beginning of this past week, I attended a conference on contemplative prayer entitled "Turning to the Mystics" at the 2013 Summer Institute at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. The speakers were James Finley, author and former novice of Thomas Merton; Mirabai Starr, author, translator, and speaker; 
and Father Ronald Rolheiser, author and president of OST. 
We were encouraged to regularly sit in quiet to come to realize our union with the Divine, who continually loves us into being.
So for this Friday Five, let us share about our prayer practices, whether silent or not:
{ ~ My responses follow Jan's questions ~ }
1. How do you pray?

Many ways.  Creatively.  With music, journalling, dancing, singing, creating,
photography, listening, praying always - a heart position and attitude.
With words?
Beginning with praise and acknowledgement of  God's worth.  Gratitude for who God is.
Resting in God's Presence and waiting for Holy Spirit to direct my thoughts and responses.
"Adonai ELOHIM wakens Me morning by morning, He wakens My ear to hear as a disciple [as one who is taught]" Isaiah 50.4
The requesting part, if there will be any, flows from there. 
According to scripture, I have the mind of Christ in me, and Holy Spirit that knows what needs praying, so it's a choice to allow Holy Spirit to lead.
What is on  God's heart?  Praying in agreement with that.
When we know we pray according to God's will, we know God's answer is also ours.
"We enter into a certainty of the outcome", as Graham Cooke says it in 
Crafted Prayer from the Being With God series.


1 John 5.14 And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: [we are sure] that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in agreement with His own plan), He listens to and hears us.

15 And if (since) we [positively] know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted us as our present possessions] the requests made of Him.

2. How has your idea of prayer changed over time?

Prayer is opportunity to spend time with God.  Being in God's Presence.
Not a chore.  Not a requirement.  Rather a joy and delight that results from a relationship
of love, worth and appreciation from and toward The One I adore.
Not a quick port of call for when desperate or a slot machine to get something.
Also not just a quick trip to the store with my shopping list .
A time of enjoyment - another step in development of relationship.
3. Do you ever sit in silent prayer? How does it go?

I do.  It goes Beautifully as I turn my heart's full attention on Yeshua Jesus in gratitude.  
There's increased sense of Presence and intimacy.
A deep and growing awareness of The One in whom my soul delights.
4. Do you have any difficulties and/or pleasures in prayer?

For me the difficulty is choosing to be intentional in prayer.  Not allowing it to stay at routine
or given less than priority.  A valued place in my day and my life.
Pleasures?  Much. 

Song of Solomon 5:16
"His voice and speech are exceedingly sweet; yes, 
He is altogether lovely [the whole of Him delights and is precious]. 
This is my beloved, and this is my friend...!"
5. What is the best advice that helped you with prayer?

I am not an orphan.  I need not beg or hold back. 
I am Christ's bride.  Pray like a bride.
Bonus: Share something about prayer or an example of a prayer you like.
Praying scriptures is foundational.  Prayers of God who is author and initiator.  
As we learn to still ourselves in God's Presence, 
we sense the voice of Holy Spirit leading in prayer.
Two excellent resources coming to mind, from Canadian author, Brad Jersak -
  Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God Who Speaks
and the above mentioned Crafted Prayer by British author, Graham Cooke.
 Rev Gals Thursday Prayer post example is one of many beautiful prayer resources.
Highly recommended [prayed and enjoyed!]


What a fabulous opportunity to attend the conference, Jan.
I am so pleased you had that opportunity and have inspired us with your 5 ?s
regarding prayer.
It sounds much in accord with Christine Valters Paintners' Abbey of the Arts,
of which we monks in the world draw inspiration.
Thank you for today's post!

Your prayers are especially appreciated as I prepare for the journey to meet 
my 1st wee grandson and spend a short while with the blessed parents! 
I haven't settled on transportation for my return and need wisdom provision for that. 
It's now Sunday and I'm  SO 
Grateful to share God's provision of wisdom and transportation has been arranged!
Awesome and Amazing - a direct flite at seat sale price!
TY Lord!


How do you pray?  Insights you'd care to share?



Shared at Faith Filled Friday [click to link directly]
Shared at Inspire Me Monday


  1. Prayer as a heart position...thanks!

  2. TY, Purple, I valued your purpletology 5s as well!

  3. Thanks so much for these thoughtful snippets on prayer. Reading this has widened and deepened the world of prayer. Thanks be to the One who prays through you and to you as well.

  4. I don't know what to comment on, as your entire post is inspiring. Lovely image at the beginning. I am going to look at the link you left for me. Plus, I loved your comments at my blog!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you for encouraging us to "pray like a bride."

    I am stopping by from MissionalWomen.Com. We were blessed to link up after you at Spiritual Sundays.

  7. Thank you so much for all these wonderful links and thoughtful ideas!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!