Sunday 28 July 2013

Last Monday of July ! What Are You Reading? 29.7.13

Our final July It's Monday post...
Plus wrap up for my week's reading at
 the High Summer Read a Thon hosted by Michelle at 
Seasons of Reading
I managed to complete 3 novels for the week of reading 
that ends tonite midnite 28th.
Find details at my signup post HERE including a FuN mini challenge at Laura's Book Snob Blog ¬
My 1st novel was the riveting ROOMS by the award winning
 James L Rubart

Next up - CASCADE, book 2 of Lisa T Bergren's 
River of Time series

Intense Medieval action suspense following time travel from contemporary YA life - Amazing series...
 Prepared with book 3, I was able to follow the story to its conclusion with TORRENT

Gabi and Lia finally learn to surf the river of time, they realize they must make hard choices about life and love in the third and final book in the River of Time series.
 In the suspenseful conclusion of the River of Time series, every decision is about
life and death.                    - goodreads

* * *
Good romantic developments added to the drama - 
Highly recommended!
* * *
My weekend prior included Joanna Campbell Slan's gift package of - 
the Jane Eyre Chronicles book 2
Loved it!

Excellent mystery, sleuthing by Jane and historically informative.
Another recommended read or addition to those who've already begun the series.

Other book news..
Jane Austen fans ?  Austen in August offered by 2 blog hosts -
Adam at Roof Beam Reader begins on the 1st til 31st
Misty at Book Rat begins August 18th thru 31st
Links to each on my sidebar...
Both are excellent , offering guest posts, giveaways, connections with other JA fans,
and motivation to read either JA's works or JAFF.
and -
author Nancy Kelley is hosting the TBR Catchup Readathon
August 1-30th
signups open HERE

For Canadian readers, Mennonite Girls Can Cook Contest is on now 
ending 5 pm ET July 31st
Win their newest book CELEBRATIONS + APRON

Have a great Reading Week !

Sharing this week's reads with Sheila's Book Journey friends


  1. Thanks for joining us! Great job on the reading. I hope you enjoyed the week. =O)

  2. Absolutely Michelle! great reading motivation and appreciate your organizing it !
    will be watching for next ones... TY!

  3. It is the last Monday of July, yikes where did the month go? My daughter loves Lisa's books, I have yet to get to them. Have a great week.

  4. I hear the River of Time series is fun reading. Enjoy your next installments!

  5. Looks like you had fun with your Readathon. I missed it this year; hopefully I can catch the next one. The River of Time series looks good. I always enjoy time travel books, as long as the time travel is decently plausible (as plausible as time travel can possibly be!).

  6. I can't believe it is going to August this week. Amazing.

    Love your photo with the tea cup, cookie, and book.

    ROOMS looks good.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  7. I have Rooms, I really should read it, its been so long I don't even remember what it is about.

  8. Looks like a fun reading week. I love it when I can read series books back to back.

    Joy's Book Blog

  9. Looks like a great reading week!
    Shannon's Book Bag


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!