Monday 29 July 2013

TeaCup Tuesday: Blue Spode and Diane Moody's "AT LEGEND'S END' NEW RELEASE

Welcome to TeaCup Tuesday!
Special TeaCup Treat today - HOT off the Press -
 from author Diane Moody
who has just yesterday released Book 4 in the Teacup Novella series
This novella features the lovely blue and white Spode teacup,
Union Wreath First
Introduced by Spode in about 1825, it's one of 3 variations. 
Made in white felspar porcelain with a gadroon rim and decorative handle,
the colouring is especially delicate.
Info available from Lovers of Blue and White virtual museum.

Now for this delicious new story to enjoy with your cup of tea today...
At .99 how can you miss ?!
{I'll be enjoying mine at the dr's office!}
"Olivia Thomas had no idea that her friend's prayer would be answered only a few hours later. Stunned by an unexpected gift from someone she'd helped years ago, Olivia suddenly finds herself with unlimited possibilities. She packs her bags and heads to Caden Cove, a tiny coastal town in Maine, where she hopes to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Little does she know her reservation at the Captain MacVicar Inn has put her in the path of a historic legend.

Trevor Bass owns Caden Cove's only bookstore and dabbles in real estate. All the locals know the grouchy bookseller is an avowed bachelor, which explains their utter shock when he invites a "tourist" to visit their book club. The mere hint of romance sends the town into a frenzy wondering if the object of Trevor's affections could be the next victim of the legend's curse. Will history repeat itself once more in Caden Cove?"

HUGE THANKS to Diane for another Teacup Novella Treat !!

 Bestselling author Diane Moody does it again this time with her delightful novella series based on a family heirloom collection of vintage teacups. Each delicate cup and saucer inspires a unique stand-alone story, whether it's set in a college town in Texas, a quaint seaside village in Oregon, or a small rural town just down the road from Nashville. Follow the legacy of these teacups through tales of romance and mystery with a touch of faith. 

Book One - Tea with Emma
Book Two - Strike the Match

Book Three - Home to Walnut Ridge

Book Four - At Legend's End
-OBT Bookz
Born in Texas and raised in Oklahoma, Diane Hale Moody is a graduate of Oklahoma State University. She lives with her husband Ken in the rolling hills just outside of Nashville.
Just after moving to Tennessee in 1999, Diane felt the tug of a long-neglected passion to write again. Since then, she's written a column for her local newspaper, feature articles for various magazines and curriculum, and several novels with a dozen more stories eagerly vying for her attention.
When she's not reading or writing, Diane enjoys an eclectic taste in music and movies, great coffee, the company of good friends, and the adoration of a peculiar little pooch named Darby.
Visit Diane's FuN website at and her blog, "just sayin'" 

Shared with -
Sandi's Teacup Tuesday
Bernideen's Garden Tea Party


  1. Hi: That pattern is so beautiful! I love the design. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us. I will have to check out this book. Blessings, Martha

  2. great blog! loved it and love all of Diane's books! Am reading the new Teacup book now myself. So enjoying it!

  3. What a great looking book! I have not read any of these stories before. Thank you for sharing it and the lovely author. I wish her the very best with each of her books.

  4. What a pretty pattern! Spode makes such lovely china. Thanks for sharing about the book series. I have not heard of it and I'm always looking for a good read and where there's tea or china involved, even better! Thanks for sharing and coming to tea with me.


  5. How lovely to learn about the teacup and the book! I want both. Off to search for the book...thank you!
    Ruthie from Lady B's Time for Tea
    Have a happy weekend!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!