Searching for...

Sunday 19 January 2014


in literally months.
Not that I haven't been reading -
just that I haven't had the stamina to post after reading.
I posted one review here at FHC for Julie Klassen's newest,
The Dancing Master [ click to see below]
but the rest have been added to my Book Reviews list page above
and most link to Goodreads. [you're welcome to friend request]
I just finished reading Gabrielle Roy's classic,

absolutely a delight to read and recommended for excellent wordsmithing;
Ms Roy writes of Christine in 3 soulful segments of childhood to adulthood.
I also have another Canadian author's book of short stories on the go -
Stuart McLean of CBC fame's

A collection of varied small town characters and their [mostly] misadventures !
Today I'm hoping to complete a fave music artist's memoir -
Grammy winner, Ashley Cleveland's 

An amazing journey through the addictions of Ashley's life filled with 
 privileged yet alcoholic parenting from her childhood to her own eventual immersion.
Self loathing yet seeking that acceptance that no human can offer.
Holding on to her 'one thing' - the gift of music - and the doors that both opened 
and swung shut in her face, Ashley tours the circuit of guest performer to
acknowledged artist - musician and songwriter.
Earthy and open, Ashley shares the heights and depths with equanimity.
And the cracks where the Light shines in to surround her.  
Moments of such beauty as when she births her first child - beautiful and whole,
when she'd been afraid of what consequences her drug use might have caused...
Tenderness in the midst of the grit .

"...a heavenly Father who delights in investing His power in tiny things
like mustard seeds and broken fools like me."

Ashley's honesty and brokenness reveal an understanding of a God that few
acknowledge.  A God of mystery.  A God that isn't all figured out.
A God that walks with us - whatever the journey looks like.

With acceptance of that Grace she's moved from the margins -
"from  my own isolation to..belonging, to the body of Christ,
to the program of AA, to the human community. I have been invited in...
not as a guest artist but as a family member."


Many thanks for those who have left condolences on my MoM's passing.
Your presence and kindness are both appreciated!
I am still here just working through this time of transition from what was to what now is...
Thank you for your patience.

And a happy week of reading to everyone !


Add your week's reading at Sheila's Book Journey linkup.
and for Mizbooks at Should Be Reading



Nise' said...

So sorry about your mom and may you continue to be comforted in Him! I enjoyed The Dancing Master.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Thank you Nise' - exactly!

Terra said...

You have given me some ideas for more books to read. I just read The Rosie Project and highly recommend it; the narrator/main character reminds me of Sheldon in Big Bang tv show as he searches for a wife. Funny.

Diane Moody said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. I know too well how hard that is, so count on my prayers in the days ahead.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

many many thanks, Diane! will be leaning on that support =)

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Little Black Sheep looks interesting. Glad to have you back. *hugs*

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Thanks, Sheila, hugs appreciated!

Leydy said...

Im sorry about your mother. :( Stay strong.

Leydy @OUaT & RCE

Teddyree said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your mum, I miss my mum every day. Warm hugs as you adjust to a different 'normal'

Enjoy your new reads!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Now I want to read The Dancing Master. :O) Oh, and I linked up over at What Are You Reading.

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Stories from the Vinyl Cafe sounds like a warm read. Wishing you continued strength at the difficult time.

Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

I didn't know about your mother. I'm so sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Candy @ So little time... said...

Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

lovely to hear from each of you & your kind regards - MUCH appreciated

Glad you've joined us at Sheila's, LuAnn =)
heading over to check out your reading...;)

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