Writing My Own FairyTale is hosting Day 3's Bout of Books Challenge.
We're asked to couple characters from unassociated books and explain our reasons.
Relationship can be friendship, romantic, parental, etc.
My pairing would be romantic Drew of the Drew Farthering Mystery series
by Julianna Deering
with Maggie of the Maggie Hope Mystery series by Susan Elia MacNeal
Intelligent, quick witted, and personable, they are well matched.
Maggie's access to government levels via her work and Drew's access via his peerage status
on the local homefront would be a dynamic combination for teamwork. It would also provide for
relational understanding at a deeper level, both being investigative by nature
and occupation. Work related time apart would be understood.
Supportive of each other by their career knowledge, downtime together would be valued.
They would make a great team both in work and as a couple..
That's my thinking on this character coupling.
What book characters would you consider coupling?
Progress to date ~
2 books completed as of Tuesday 2nd day of Readathon.
1. A Lady Most Lovely by Jennifer Delamere
2. The Seafront Tea Rooms by Vanessa Greene
Currently reading ~ Completed
Lisa Noratto's
3. The Promise Keeper as my 3rd day of Bob readathon
I don't know the characters or the books from your coupling challenge but you make a really good case for them to be together! Thanks so much for participating! And congrats on finishing 2 books already!
Thanks, Lori!
and for creating the FuN Challenge :)
What an interesting pairing.
Thanks for including Drew, but I think his Madeline would be fiercely opposed to him dropping her for someone else.
I'd love to see Maggie try though. What fireworks there would be!
Fun challenge! :D
Julianna Deering/DeAnna Julie Dodson
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