Thursday 28 May 2015

20 BOOKS OF SUMMER 2015 28.5.15



A choice of 10 or 20 reads for the June 1 - Sept 4 Challenge hosted by Cathy746Books
tweeting #20booksofsummer to find and encourage everyone participating
and Kels' BlonderSideofLife for her #bookishsideoflife  book challenge .
Lots of reading variety from all participants as I've hopped around, so we're sure to find 
something we'd like to add to our own lists.
Breaking the list into 2 groups of 10 may be a help in reaching a full 20 for me..
strictly because who knows what happens in summer time!
Remembering JUNE is AUDIO MONTH so definitely including those
and AUSTEN in AUGUST will influence those choices.
so.... Here goes ~

The Merciful Scar  by Rebecca St James
The Price of Privilege by Jessica Dotta
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton 
[a June goodreads group readalong #TraveltheWorldinBooks]

The Rose Girls by Victoria Connelly [releasing 1st June!]
After the War is Over by Jennifer Robson
Death of a Chimney Sweep [Hamish Macbeth]  by MC Beaton
Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner
The Price of Privilege by Jessica Dotta [if possible option]
At least 1 of Any by Agatha Christie [lots of choices! have read all]

~ 10 down ~
The next batch to bring me to #20booksofsummer include July/Aug releases,
Paris in July, High Summer ReadaThon, and Jane Austen / JA Austenesque for the
Austen in August [signup Open] Challenges
The Curiosity Keeper by Sarah E Ladd
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy
Among the Fair Magnolias - anthology collection
Summer's List by Anita Higman
Island Dreams by Kimberly Rose Johnson
Sun-Kissed: Effusions of Summer - JA shortstory anthology for AinA
Holidays with Jane: Spring Fever - JA anthology for AinA
Anne of the Island by LM Montgomery 100th Anniversary !
Emma by Alexander McCall Smith [ prefer audio when available]
Bringing me to 20 books I want to read!  
Link up your 10 or 20 Books of Summer HERE at Cathy's 746books blog
and let me know if you're 
working on your own lists.  BEST!
Thanks for sharing and checking in. 
 *I'll be updating the list with changes and completions
and tweeting #20booksofsummer and #bookishsideoflife

Looking for more Summer Reading?
Don't miss
Kels' #BookishSideofLife Challenge
signup linky for your book goal intentions 
with an end of month linkup June July August
More reading fun~ Grab her button and signup ~
I'll see you there ~ Thanks Kels!

Shared with: * Thursday Favorite Things * BOOK NOOK * Friday Finds *
Literacy Musing Mondays *
* KELS' #BOOKISHSIDEOFLIFE * Small Victories Sunday * Inspire Me Monday *


  1. Yay thanks for joinin in!!

  2. Enjoy your summer reading, I am heading into winter but summer reading is always good! I read The Little Paris Bookshop and really liked it.

  3. I've just started The Forgotten Garden--well, a little more than started--and I'm so glad I did. It handles its three moments in time so deftly. My favorite scenes so far are of Nell as a grandmother with young Cassie. Glad it's on the readalong schedule too!

    You always make interesting choices and I look forward to your reactions to these over the summer! I certainly sympathize with Cathy's 746books TBR blog, and it's necessary (and nice too!) to make mini-challenges like this one to keep the motivation going!

  4. I don't know how you find the time to read so many books. Great list. ;)

  5. Glad you're in. Good luck!

    I love the Hamish Macbeth books. There's none on my 20 Books of Summer list though since I'm up to date except waiting for the last one to be in paperback.

  6. I used to read quickly and often, but the last few years I have a hard time finding something to grab me. A friend just got me an autographed copy of Another Mother Runner so that is next on my list.

  7. Thanks for sharing about travel the world in Books. I hope that Forgotten Garden is the winner of the vote. It's the one I want to read most too. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday linkup too.

  8. Oh, I used to get so much reading in at the creek. My hubby and kiddos spend more time in the water than I like, so I usually sit in a chair in the low water and read. I'm a reader; they are not. Now, that I have a toddler, it's so hard to get reading in. I'm kind of jealous that you have 20 books you hope to read this summer.

    I'm looking forward to your thoughts on these books. Remember to link up to Literacy Musing Mondays this week!

  9. I recently received a bunch of books. I started getting overwhelmed trying to CHOOSE what to read next. So I made a Summer Stack and made myself a deal, I'd just read the next one of the top of the stack. It's working so far! I'm 3 books into the stack. :)

  10. I just started Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer. So far it's wonderful.

    Visiting from Create w/Joy bloghop.

  11. Good luck with your summer reads....I'll be doing 20 winter reads from Down Under :-)

  12. Great reading 20 Winter Reads for Brona & Kathryn! If you read seasonal books, this will def be fun TBR shelf building ;)

    Thanks everyone for your sharing of titles and reading enthusiasm!

    and Kels -
    for the Warm Welcome to #BookishSideofLife Challenge - exuberant about it

  13. Hi! Just popped in from Cathy's blog to wave hello to another summer challenger. Great list - lovely to see Anne on there, I had no idea about the anniversary. Looking forward to reading your reviews - have a great reading summer!

  14. thanks for sharing all these books! definitely checking them out!

    stop by and chat with me ♥

  15. Looks like a great list! I need to get myself a reading list... with summer getting into full swing, I've been more preoccupied with my boys (and encouraging my toddler to practice his beginning reading skills). Probably would be a good idea to implement a set "reading time" each day :) :) for us to read our own books.

  16. (and, thanks for sharing at #smallvictoriessundaylinkup -- I've pinned your post and hope you link up again this week!)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!