Tuesday 26 May 2015



I've been looking forward to today's Top Ten lists.
Considering the prompt brings up dreams of Summer!

Here's the prompt from The Broke and the Bookish -
"Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer or

Ten Books I Think Make Great Beach Reads"

I'll share mine then I'll look for yours in links so we'll have enough for our summer reading!
To Mend a Dream
Having read and loved Tamera Alexander's May 12th release  To Win Her Favor
I'm anticipating To Mend a Dream,
the novella that develops Savannah's story .
Adding the full short story collection as well -
Among the Fair Magnolias
Another fav, Anita Higman's Winter in Full Bloom , I 'm adding her newest.  
June's release - Summer's List
She had the bookstore, she had her beloved granny, but she was missing something-or someone. . . 
Waiting for Kimberly Rose Johnson's Wildflower B&B Romance series #2.
Island Dreams will be releasing just in  time for August at the beach - Chase Grayson values the peace and quiet of Wildflower Island. That serenity is threatened by a developer, Piper Hunt, who wants to destroy everything he values in a home. However, he likes Piper in spite of her mission and doesn't want to see her hurt. But if he doesn't stop her, life as he knows it will be forever altered, and if he succeeds he will never see her again. . .
The Rose Girls [June release] by Victoria Connelly
and pretty much any of Victoria's makes for a 
fun filled, perfect light beach read.
The Rose Girls is an uplifting, tender and romantic story of courage, perseverance and the healing power of family.  Molly's Millions Hard-up florist Molly Bailey has just won £4.2 million pounds. And she needs to get rid of it – fast!  A strong belief that sharing her good fortune is the only way forward, Molly unwittingly becomes the most sought-after person in the country as, in true Robin Hood style, she distributes her wealth to the masses.
Anything Agatha Christie will be in my beach bag along with an 
MC Beaton Hamish Macbeth mystery
[and probably in audio]
Can.Not.Wait. for Sarah Ladd's next release and new series Treasures of Surrey.
I won The Curiosity Keeper  at Kav Rees's totally fun week of
winner's choice giveaways.
Being a fan, I will devour this as soon as the post delivers.
 As a second son, he was content working as a village apothecary. But when his brother’s death made him heir just as his father’s foolish decisions put the estate at risk, only the sale of a priceless possession—a ruby called the Bevoy—can save the family from ruin. But the gem has disappeared. And all trails lead to Iverness Curiosity Shop—and the beautiful shop girl who may or may not be the answer to his questions.
I've been adding to my Jane Austen fan fiction shelf 
and kindle ereads in anticipation of another Austen in August.
THis short story collection definitely = More great beach reads!
 Six modern adaptations of Austen's classics. So put up your parasols and prepare for sunshine, smiles, and, of course, happily ever afters.
This just sounds too fun - 
Jessie Stanton has it all. Until one fateful afternoon when she notices her BMW bouncing by the window behind a tow truck... 
An invite to a FB release party for a perfect beach read anthology that is 
now going into the beach bag!  Thanks to east coast Canadian author J Marie Croft
for inviting me and I, in turn, invite you - June 3rd  - 
Come join Sun-Kissed: effusions of summer

Which brings my list to 10 + !  I hope you've found something you'd like-
Books are a top #JoyHopeLive link in my life.[ Feel free to link yours below]
 I'm looking forward to your book recommendations.
Thanks for sharing your favs with FHC readers!

May 26: Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer or
Ten Books I Think Make Great Beach Reads

June 2: Top Ten Books I'd Love To See As Movies/Tv Shows 
June 9: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For the Rest of 2015
[let's talk about what we are excited about for the rest of the year]

June 16: Top Ten Books On My TBR For Summer 2015
June 23: In honor of 5 years of Top Ten Tuesday ( our first Top Ten Tuesday debuted June 21, 2010) -- My Ten Favourite Top Ten Topics We've Ever Done In The Past 5 Years
June 30: Top Ten Books I've Read So Far In 2015
July 7: Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read

Shared with ~
* Literacy Musing Mondays * Book Nook * Thursday Fav Things *


  1. Sounds like you have some good books lined up for summer! I'm looking forward to Sarah Ladd's new series too and I have Anita Higman's 'Winter in Full Bloom' still to read. Glad you liked it. : )

  2. I see a few that look interesting! Thanks for sharing.
    I found you at Literacy Musing Mondays

  3. Thank you for making room in your beach bag for Sun-Kissed: Effusions of Summer. I'm eager to read the seven other stories in the anthology, so it will be tucked inside my bag, too!

    I look forward to your arrival at the beach party on June 3rd. My scheduled hour starts at 7:00 PST, which is 11:00 p.m. in my zone. Perhaps we'll have a nice bonfire blazing by that time.

    Until then, please accept my best wishes from the East Coast.


  4. Hamish Macbeth . . . Yes, Sharon! I'd also add one of the Constable Evans mysteries by Rhys Bowen to my bag. I need to save your post because there are several books/authors I want to explore - Victoria Connelly, for instance. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, Cathy - you are in for a treat with Anita's Winter in Full Bloom - set in Australia, it's a wonderful experience.

    Glad you're finding some options, Donna! thanks for browsing & being here.

    Welcome, Joanne! I too can hardly wait for the party and will bring some marshies to roast over that bonfire! Thanks for intro'ng a book for the beach bag ;)

    And Carole - a great addition to the beach bag- TY! Victoria has a unique light style of writing that makes her one of my preferred reads. EnJoy!

    and thanks, each of you, for sharing with me and ea other over tea and booktalk!

  6. My Memorial Day weekend trip to the beach was accompanied by The City of Falling Angels, John Berendt

  7. Nice Picks for this week!! Happy reading!!

  8. I love Agatha Christie or did when I was a teen. Perfect for beach reads! Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

  9. I love all the book covers for these books!
    Great list of books :)

  10. I love reading at the beach. I love the Tuesday 10 linkup. I didn't know it had been around five years. thanks for sharing on Literacy Musing Mondays. I appreciate your support and posts each week.

  11. I love books. They are a top for my #JoyHopeLive as well. Thanks for linking up your top ten list. I just finished a book called As Waters Gone By... I can't wait to share it this Saturday on my blog (they are making me wait or I would have already lol it is an amazing book). Hope you join us again tomorrow!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!