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Monday, 29 June 2015


Top Ten Books I've Read {So Far} In 2015

IRISH MEADOWS by Susan Anne Mason
A Stranger's Secret by Laurie A Eakes
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
Prelude for a Lord by Camille Elliot
Lisette's List by Susan Vreeland
Mist of Midnight by Sandra Byrd
In the Field of Grace by Tessa Afshar
A Hope Remembered by Stacy Henrie
To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander
Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner

One not yet published neither all in 2015, but read this year
and these are my most recent tops.
I've just passed the 100 reads at this mid-point of the year,
so choosing 10 overall was a formidable task for sure!
I read for many reasons, reading challenges, and readathons,
generating a lot of different influences for top ten choices.
Many, though not all, are reviewed at goodreads
and added to my header link to Book Reviews as time allows.
Looking forward to finding your choices and any similar reads you'd recommend.  Link up Tuesdays as below.
Interesting upcoming Top Ten Lists to check out...
 I luv the fun of finding new reading incentives of current reads that fit the
  Tuesday Intros and Teaser Tuesdays 
linkup memes.
Be sure to check them out as well.
Bibliophile By the Sea and A Daily Rhythm hosting.


Adding my Top Tens at the Broke and the Bookish
Find details of the meme HERE
Upcoming TOP TEN Lists:
July 7: Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read
July 14: Last Ten Books That Came Into My Possession (bought, library, review copies)
July 21: Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity/Diverse Characters
[example: features minority/religious minority, socioeconomic diversity, disabled MC, 
neurotypical character, LGBTQ etc etc.]

July 28: Ten Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds
[love reading, are writers, work at a bookstore, etc]
(inspired by my 
Top Ten Characters Who Love Words)
August 4
: Ten Fairytale Retellings I've Read/Want To Read
[or you could do fairytales I want to be retold or fairytales I love]


Shared With other Bookish Links:
* Literacy Musing Mondays * Book Nook


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely amazed by how many books you've read this year so far! Are you able to retain everything from them? I ask this because I honestly have a rather terrible memory and my retention isn't all that great sometimes, so even my 35 books read this year are hard to keep straight. Also, I haven't read ANY of your ten books, so I'll have to look into them. :)

Nise' said...

I enjoyed to Win Her Favor too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking out my TTT. I can't believe how many books you've read so far this year! Great list.

Kym said...

Amazed (and slightly jealous!) at how many books you read! I can't keep up that pace these days - too much else is going on. Loved your Top Ten list - I also loved Prelude for a Lord and To Win Her Favor. A Stranger's Secret is on my TBR list.

Sandra Byrd said...

Thanks for including Mist of Midnight! And Happy Canada Day!

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