and progress chart, helpful resources .
along with downloads for your own use.
A new feature is the uncovering of "?" squares bi-monthly which
offer reading mystery missions for discovering specific reading topic/theme.
The career doesn’t have to be focus of the novel, it just has to be featured within it.
Have an idea for one of the next four mystery missions
Feel free to join the GoodReads group, and leave it on the appropriate spread
My Bookish Bingo 2016 Read List:
1. Book w noun in title - INTROVERT POWER 2. Mystery Mission1 book featuring my dream career - THE ARTIST'S WAY 3. book on bestseller list - SARAH'S KEY 4. dnf or forgot to finish - LETTERS TO THE LOST 5. author under 25 when pub’d- LUCY MAUDE MONTGOMERY SHORT STORIES 1896 - 1901 [A Case of Trespass] 6.folk/fairytale re-telling- VIEWS FROM THE DEPTHS 7. book set w/in entertainment industry - MOUNTAINS BOW DOWN 8. debut novel - THE IRISH HEALER 9. book featuring a conspiracy - MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS 10. book being made into movie - _________ 11. featuring strong familial relationships - SAVING AMELIE 12. featuring sleuthing or crime-solving - THE GIRL OF HIS DREAMS 13. Mystery Mission 2 a book translated from another language - JOHN 1 14. book w/ stars on cover - THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL 15. graphic, comic or picture book - DOWN A GARDEN PATH 16. Mystery Mission 3 ____ 17. featuring an unlikely friendship - WHISPERS IN THE READING ROOM 18. FREE SPACE 19. featuring Asian or African mc - THE PERFECT PARAGON 20. 3rd book in trilogy or series - REFUGE AT HIGHLAND HALL 21. book pub’d in my birth month - THE LITTLE CROOKED CHRISTMAS TREE 22. book w/ alternating perspectives - A FALL OF MARIGOLDS 23. 500+ pages - ____ 24. set outside of Earth - THE CANDY COUNTRY 25. Mystery Mission 4 ____ 26. ebook or audio listen - IF 27. book with number in title - ONE, TWO, BUCKLE MY SHOE 28. featuring political espionage - DEATH OF A VILLAGE 29. book that a friend loved- THE ART OF PILGRIMAGE 30. book I’ve owned over 1 year - PILGRIM PRINCIPLES 31. featuring mental illness or disability - GRAND CENTRAL 32. Mystery Mission 5 ______ 33. featuring a murder or assassination - UNTIL THE DAWN 34. short story or novella - JANE OF LANTERN HILL 35. featuring angels - THE ANIMALS' CHRISTMAS EVE
TOTAL # Challenges Completed: _______

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